디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

일단 50문장 발화 연습해봄앱에서 작성

목소리 흙수저(115.23) 2024.12.01 16:23:38
조회 73 추천 0 댓글 0

문장 50개 여기 깔아놓고
문장 눈으로 본 뒤
눈 감고 밑에 구글 voice로 원어민 속도로 발화하는 연습했습니다.

1. What do you want to do tonight?
What do you want to do tonight

2. Where are you going after this?
What where are they going after this

3. Could you give me a hand with that?
could you give me a hand with that

4. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back.
I'll let you know as soon as I hear back

5. Did you ever think about moving to a smaller place?
did you ever think about moving to a smaller place

6. It’s not what I’d expected, but it’s still pretty good.
It's not what I expected but it's still pretty good

7. I don’t know if it’s worth going out tonight.
I don't know if it's worth going out tonight
(꽤 힘들었음 worth going)

8. Have you been keeping up with the news?
have you been keeping off victorious
have you been tipping off with the juice
have you been keeping up with a guess
How have you been keeping up with the news

9. What’s the best way to get there from here?
What's the best way to get there from here

10. I’d like to go out for a coffee later.
I'd like to go out for the coffee later

11. Can you see if she’s around to help us?
Can you see if she's around to help us
(around to 머뭇거림)

12. I was going to call you earlier, but I got busy.
I was going to call you earlier but I got busy

13. How do you feel about meeting up later?
How do you feel about meeting up later
(meeting에서 머뭇거림)

14. Do you know what time the movie starts?
Do you know what time the movie starts

15. It’s hard to believe he’s been gone for so long.
It's hard to believe he's been gone for so long

16. Are you ready to go, or do you need more time?
Are you ready to go oh Do you need more time

17. I’ll meet you there if you’re okay with that.
I'm vegetarian if you're okay with that I'll beat you there I'll meet you there if you're okay with that

18. It’s nice to finally see you again after so long.
It's nice to finally see you again after so long

19. What are you planning to do this weekend?
What are you planning to do this weekend

20. Do you think it’ll rain tomorrow?
Do you think it will rain tomorrow

21. I don’t know if they’re coming, but I hope they do.
I know if they are coming but I hope they do

22. I heard you’ve been working on a new project.
I heard you've been working on a new project

23. When are you going to show us your new place?
when are you going to show us your good place
when are you going to show off your new place
(new가 반복적으로 안되는듯)

24. It’s not as easy as it looks, you know.
It's not easy as it looks you know

25. I’ve been thinking about going out for dinner later.
I've been thinking about going out for dinner later

26. What do you think of the new restaurant downtown?
What do you think of the good restaurant downtown
(또 new)

27. Are you sure you’re okay with staying late?
I just sure you're okay with staying late
Are you sure you're okay with stay late Are you sure you're okay

28. I’ll get back to you on that as soon as I can.
I'll get back you on that as soon as I can

29. Can you help me out with this?
Can you help me out with this

30. It’s been a while since I’ve had a proper vacation.
It's been a while since I've had the proper vacation
(had a) 에서 the 튀어나옴

31. I don’t know why you’re acting like this.
I don't know why you're acting like this

32. I’ll take care of it for you, no worries.
I'll take care of it for you no worries

33. What are you looking at over there?
What are you looking at over there

34. Do you want to grab some lunch later?
Do you want to grab some lunch later

35. If you need anything, just let me know.
If you need anything just let me know

36. Have you seen this before, or is it new to you?
have you seen this before or is it new to you

37. Where do you think we should go next?
What do you think we should go next

38. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten.
I didn't realize how late it had gotten

39. What do you mean by that exactly?
What do you mean by that exactly

40. Do you think it’s possible to finish this today?
Do you think it's possible to finish this today

41. I’d rather go out now than wait until later.
I'd let her go out now then wait until later

42. Do you know what’s going on with the neighbors?
Do you know what's going on with the neighbors

43. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.
It's not as bad as I thought it'll be
It's not as bad as I thought it would be
(would will)

44. Can you believe how cold it is today?
Can you believe how cold it is today

45. I didn’t expect to see you here so soon.
I didn't expect to see you here so soon

46. Where are you heading after work?
where are you heading after work

47. If you’re free later, we could grab a drink.
If you're free later we could grab a drink

48. I’d like to see if we can finish this early.
I'd like to see if we can finish this early

49. Do you remember where we parked?
Do you remember where we parked

50. What do you want to watch on TV?
What do you want to watch on TV

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455468 [434/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 02.13 58 0
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455457 부정의문문이 너무 어려워요 [7] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 02.12 142 0
455456 영어를 못 한다고해서 삶이 고달프지지는 않다보니 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 02.12 78 2
455454 해커스 그래머게이트웨이 베이직 구버전으로 공부해도 됨? 영갤러(175.223) 02.12 95 0
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455448 * 무자막 or 하나에 천 번 시청 이딴거 절대 하지마라 * 영갤러(121.66) 02.12 289 5
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455444 질문이 있습니다 영갤러(14.56) 02.12 58 0
455443 문법은 그래머헌터 다 외워라 ㅇㅇ(211.235) 02.12 160 0
455442 독해는 이론이 존나많어 ㅇㅇ(211.235) 02.12 55 0
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455440 미드를 계속 보다보니까 000(121.129) 02.12 85 0
455439 me enjoying watching football game. 거울속의나갤로그로 이동합니다. 02.12 48 0
455438 영어회화인강 ㅊㅊ좀 영갤러(116.120) 02.12 165 0
455436 영어 잘하는 능력이 생긴다면 둘 중 뭐가 나음? ㅇㅇ(218.38) 02.12 78 0
455435 한국언론엔 소개할 수 없는 개 영갤러(59.25) 02.12 59 0
455434 나이 32인데..영어좀 잘하고싶고 오픽도 따고싶은데 조언좀 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 02.12 155 0
455432 영어공부하려는데 팝송이나 영화로 하는거 괜찮냐 ㅇㅇ(220.80) 02.12 60 0
455431 영어를 해석하는 습관은 공부할가치도없는게 [2] ㅇㅇ(112.149) 02.12 156 3
455430 편입영어 해본 사람 있어??? [4] 영갤러(172.225) 02.12 105 0
455429 링고 보카 둘다 쓰는데 링고가 좀 더 나은듯 [4] 준치(110.70) 02.12 118 1
455427 박정아식 타이어 몇번. 밑천드러나기 너무 쉬운이제 교권 0% 미래군상들아 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 02.12 42 0
455426 베이컨과 코란 천재(118.39) 02.12 37 0
455424 걍 그래머인유즈 삿어유 ㅇㅇ(49.171) 02.12 128 0
455423 [433/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 02.12 38 0
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