디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

챗지피티로 영어독해문제 만들어왔다

ㅇㅇ(39.114) 2023.05.29 12:56:59
조회 65 추천 0 댓글 1


이거 정답 맞추는새끼 있으면 부랄 자르고 인증함ㅋㅋ

Read the following article and answer the correct choice.

Within the realm of conceptualizing emancipation, it becomes incumbent upon one to evince a conscientious cognizance of the nonpareil nature of its manifestation, since there resides an expansive array of exigencies that lay beyond the purview of the sovereign entity. In light of this irrefutable reality, one is thus compelled to resolutely repudiate the notion that the state bears the prodigious onus of promulgating the indispensable prerequisites for the humane subsistence of individuals. The domain of circumscribing a "human life" is permeated by relentless contention, notwithstanding the plausible contention that it is distinguished by an indomitable volition to forge an idiosyncratic trajectory, whether as an innate rejoinder to the contrived sway of market influences or as an outgrowth of one's formative milieu. Unhampered by one's station in life, regardless of whether it be characterized by modesty or suffused with the opulence of aristocratic prerogatives, the state is bereft of the warranted entitlement to impose its own conceptualization of the quintessence of humanity. It is universally acknowledged that the demarcation of the moral and philosophical codes that serve as the bedrock of the societal edifice transcend the purview of the state, as these momentous determinations are an organic byproduct of the mutable and capricious realm of social consensus. The multifarious facets that exert an indelible impact upon an individual's sojourn, immaterial and incalculable in their essence, unambiguously proscribe any warrant for state intercession within the inscrutable forces at play. Just as the corporeal act of inhalation inexorably engenders the subsequent exhalation, so too must the apparatus of governance unreservedly confer upon individuals the requisite latitude to exercise their dominion over the caprice inherent within their own lives, liberated from the shackles of superfluous restrictions. All endeavors undertaken to foist a dialectical framework imbued with righteous rectitude serve naught but to beget a prescriptive regimen dictating the trajectory that one is duty-bound to traverse. Thus, a state that aspires toward the zenith of untrammeled liberty, yet finds its societal norms veiling this lofty aspiration in obfuscation, shall inevitably vacillate betwixt the imperative of safeguarding individual autonomy, while vigilantly eschewing the encroachment upon the liberties of others, and the incumbent obligation to ensure the unimpeded exercise of agency by individuals, consonant with the harmonious symphony of commensurate accountability vis-à-vis those irrevocably impacted by the reverberations of their consequential actions.

According to the passage, the author's stance on the role of the state in shaping the concept of humanity and individual autonomy can be best described as: 

A) Advocating for a strong state intervention to establish moral and philosophical codes. 

B) Arguing that the state should have limited involvement in defining the essence of humanity. 

C) Proposing that the state should focus on imposing restrictions and regulations on individuals. 

D) Suggesting that the state should prioritize the promotion of market influences on individual lives. 

Please select the correct answer. 

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