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인터넷 컴퓨터 뉴스 자주 나옴. 마이크로소프트 페이스북 아마존 모바일에서 작성

mㅇㅇ(61.85) 2021.12.22 10:52:08
조회 65 추천 0 댓글 0

One particular issue developers have with Big Tech’s approach is that, as they see it, the metaverse is the product of collaboration and interoperability, whereas large multinational corporations always look out for their own bottom lines. Blockchain-based dapps with open APIs are incompatible with this — and yet dapps largely rely on corporate cloud services to host their websites.
Among the blockchains fostering a bottom-up vision of the metaverse, Mackowiak says the Internet Computer stands out because it enables developers to easily create virtual experiences online that are truly open and decentralized. Using smart contracts, projects create on-chain dapps that run on the web, with costs to host 1GB of data amounting to $5 a year — a fraction of the cost of other chains, such as Ethereum and Solana. A growing number of VR and metaverse-related projects are building on the Internet Computer because it supports end-to-end decentralization and interoperability. The IC Gallery, for example, is an early-stage project that lets users travel between rooms and worlds and play immersive 3D experiences while also collecting NFTs and trading them via the external Entrepot marketplace.

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