디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

야들아 평가좀

김치년말살(211.253) 2014.10.01 13:50:50
조회 196 추천 0 댓글 3

Animals are living things which possess personal feelings, habits or preferences like us. Either humans or animals needed to be respected and loved. However others think that animals are merely simple items. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the issue and give reasons for my opinion.<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />


Undoubtedly, humans can’t survive with animals. Depends on circumstances, animals provide thick leather jacket or salubrious meat. Humans need necessities as leather jacket provides comfortable warmth in winter and meat which contains a variety of nutrition for survival. Furthermore in some countries such as Indonesia, a tropical country populated with a lot of orangutans, ancient dwellers used to excoriate orangutans’ skin to make their clothes. In other words, animals provide heat and sustenance. Without these, humans may have difficulties to sustain life.


However, we often fail to see that animals are living creatures with feelings. Often, animals may help people in emotional help for people. For example, my grandfathers have depression due to his laborious jobs. Then, my parents decided to give him a small dog as they heard some news about overcoming mental conditions. From what I heard from my parents is  that, his conditions have significantly ameliorated unexpectedly. My grandfather’s experience proves that humans can develop an emotional bond with animals.


Moreover, animals can be trained to help humans. Recently, a lot of doctors recommend people who have difficulties in vision or olfactory. The best  example that can be explained with may be a guide dogs. They help blind people to avoid obstacles along the pavement and crosswalk.  ]

In conclusion, animals are one of our necessities. However they aren’t just products we can buy from malls. Instead, animals are living creatures with feelings that can love and care for us.

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