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외신서는 느그나라가 스테그플레이션임앱에서 작성

국뽕은반지성주의갤로그로 이동합니다. 2024.05.16 17:51:40
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느그나라 파산 확정되감

Comparing South Korea and Japan's current economic situations reveals distinct differences, particularly in the context of stagflation—a scenario characterized by stagnant economic growth, high inflation, and high unemployment.

### South Korea's Economic Situation
South Korea is experiencing challenges that align more closely with stagflation:

1. **High Inflation**: South Korea has been dealing with rising consumer prices, which have been eroding real wages. In April 2022, South Korea's consumer price inflation reached 5.4%, the highest since 2008, driven by higher raw material prices and supply chain disruptions [[❞]](https://keia.org/the-peninsula/the-outlook-for-the-korean-economy-will-stagflation-curb-growth/).
2. **Economic Growth**: South Korea's economic growth has been slowing. In 2022, the OECD revised Korea’s real GDP growth forecast down to 2.7%, from an earlier 3.0% projection [[❞]](https://keia.org/the-peninsula/the-outlook-for-the-korean-economy-will-stagflation-curb-growth/). The slowdown is partly due to external factors like the war in Ukraine and lockdowns in China affecting trade and supply chains.

3. **Real Wage Decline**: Unlike Japan, where wages have been rising, South Korea has seen real wages decline due to high inflation. This decline in purchasing power has negatively impacted consumer spending and overall economic confidence [[❞]](https://keia.org/the-peninsula/the-outlook-for-the-korean-economy-will-stagflation-curb-growth/) [[❞]](https://schiffgold.com/friday-gold-wrap/economy-is-barreling-toward-stagflation-april-26-2024/).

### Japan's Economic Situation
Japan, while facing its own economic challenges, is showing some positive signs compared to South Korea:

1. **Wage Growth**: Japan has seen significant wage increases in recent years. For instance, the 2024 spring wage offensive resulted in wage increases of around 4%, the highest in decades [[❞]](https://www.nippon.com/en/in-depth/d00963/) [[❞]](https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/economy/asia-pacific/japan-economic-outlook.html). This wage growth helps to cushion the impact of inflation on consumers.

2. **Moderate Inflation**: Japan's inflation, while rising, has started to moderate. Consumer prices, which had increased significantly due to higher raw material costs and yen depreciation, are expected to stabilize as import prices begin to stabilize [[❞]](https://www.nippon.com/en/in-depth/d00963/) [[❞]](https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/economy/asia-pacific/japan-economic-outlook.html).

3. **Economic Policies**: The Bank of Japan has taken measures to balance inflation and economic growth, including raising interest rates and adjusting its monetary policies to prevent excessive inflation while supporting growth [[❞]](https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/economy/asia-pacific/japan-economic-outlook.html) [[❞]](https://www.troweprice.com/financial-intermediary/us/en/insights/articles/2024/q1/conditions-are-ripe-for-a-goldilocks-economy-but-dangers-lurk.html).

### Comparison
- **Inflation**: Both countries face high inflation, but Japan's inflation is starting to moderate, while South Korea continues to grapple with high inflation rates.
- **Wage Trends**: Japan has managed to secure wage increases which help mitigate the impact of inflation. South Korea, however, is experiencing a decline in real wages, exacerbating the economic strain on households.
- **Growth Outlook**: Japan's growth outlook, supported by domestic demand and wage increases, is relatively more stable compared to South Korea, where economic growth is slowing more significantly.

In summary, while both South Korea and Japan are dealing with economic challenges, South Korea is closer to experiencing stagflation due to the combination of high inflation, slowing economic growth, and declining real wages. Japan, on the other hand, despite facing inflation, is seeing some mitigating factors such as wage growth and moderating inflation trends that provide a slightly more optimistic outlook.

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