디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

이거 해석도 못하는새끼가 이딴영어거리는것도 존나 웃기긴함

58.231노괴긁(180.92) 2024.10.16 11:10:42
조회 28 추천 2 댓글 0

Whenever a female mates with more than one male during the same breeding event, males must compete with one another to fertilise the ova (Parker 19701998). Recent work has emphasised that a male's success at competing with rivals for fertilisations derives not only from his investment in high quality sperm but from his ability to manipulate female fecundity as well (e.g., Cameron et al. 2007; Parker and Pizzari 2010; Alonzo and Pizzari 2010; Perry et al. 2013). By inducing a female to produce more eggs, through courtship feeding or nuptial gifts or through direct physiological manipulation via components of his ejaculate, a male can potentially increase the number of offspring he sires—even if his share of paternity remains relatively low.

In theory, the extent to which males should invest in simulating female fecundity depends on the male's mating role, that is whether his mating behaviour consistently places him at an advantage or disadvantage in sperm competition (Cameron et al. 2007; Parker and Pizzari 2010; Alonzo and Pizzari 2010). A male's mating role might be conferred on him by his social status. For example, dominant males consistently occupy the favoured role through their ability to mate more frequently, and last, with the female (e.g., Lemaitre et al. 2012). Holding a particular mating role changes the payoffs derived from investing in fecundity stimulation relative to other strategies for enhancing fertilisation success (Cameron et al. 2007; Alonzo and Pizzari 2010; Lemaitre et al. 2012). It also sets up producer-scrounger dynamics between rival males, in which a later mating male can potentially parasitise any previous investment in female fecundity stimulation by earlier mates of the same female (Alonzo and Pizzari 2010). However, whether socially dominant and subordinate males differ in the extent to which they invest in fecundity stimulation is not yet known.

A major consequence of male fecundity stimulation, which has thus far been relatively neglected, is the effect on the offspring (Crean et al. 2016). The potential for males to alter female physiology in this way provides a mechanism for the phenomenon known as telegony. This arises when a female's previous mates influence her offspring's phenotype even if they sire none of her offspring. Telegony could occur if components of the male's ejaculate have a direct effect on the offspring's phenotype, and this has been investigated in previous work (e.g., Garcia-Gonzalez and Dowling 2015; Crean et al. 2016). More simply, telegony could arise through the very well-characterised trade-off between offspring number and offspring size (Stearns 1992; Rollinson and Rowe 2015). By stimulating female fecundity, males could cause each egg to be relatively under-nourished (e.g., Nager et al. 2000) or each offspring to face increased competition with siblings for limited resources during development (e.g., Mock and Parker 1997). Through this simple mechanism, males could influence the offspring's phenotype, even without siring them. However, whether this second mechanism for telegony actually occurs in nature is unknown.

Here, we determine whether males of different social status differ in the extent of their fecundity stimulation and whether the stimulation of female fecundity alone is sufficient to change the offspring's phenotype. Our experiments focus on burying beetles, Nicrophorus vespilloides. Burying beetles breed on a small dead vertebrate, like a mouse, which they require to provision their larvae (Scott 1998). There is competition for this scarce resource and disputes are settled by fighting within each sex. The outcome determines an individual's social status during that breeding event (Müller et al. 1990; Eggert and Müller 1992; Pettinger et al. 2011). The winners are usually the largest male and female (Scott 1998; Hopwood et al 2016a) and they become the dominant pair on the carcass. They gain most reproductive success on the carcass, and stay to defend and care for the larvae (Eggert and Müller 1997). Defeated, usually smaller, individuals become subordinate satellites. Subordinate males gain reproductive success by sneaking matings with the dominant and other females (e.g., Müller et al. 2007). Females become subordinate cobreeders (Eggert and Müller 1992) or intraspecific brood parasites (Müller et al. 1990), depending on the size of the carcass. Regardless of their social status, females are highly promiscuous (Müller and Eggert 1989; Müller et al. 2007; House et al. 20072009). Furthermore, previous work has shown that female fecundity is increased by multiple mating in a dose-dependent way (House et al. 2009).

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설문 서비스업에 종사했다면 어떤 진상 고객이라도 잘 처리했을 것 같은 스타는? 운영자 24/10/14 - -
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5793687 🚨🚨🚨지금부터 국결 계엄령을 선포합니다 🚨🚨🚨 ㅇㅇ(58.127) 10.16 33 0
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5793679 일녀랑 결혼하면 주갤러(211.46) 10.16 26 0
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5793673 튀튀튀자로 시작하는 말은~ ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 10.16 37 1
5793672 한녀들만 팼는데 같이 망해가는 곳 58.231노괴긁(180.92) 10.16 53 1
5793670 실제 똥싸튀충은 한녀다 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 10.16 28 0
5793669 한녀들은 이미 지들이 끝난거 알거야 [5] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 10.16 164 21
5793668 여자들 니들 지금 니들이 일하는 모든 업종 다 개박살내는것 같은대 [2] 주갤러(115.88) 10.16 54 3
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5793665 강원도 vs 서울 ㅇㅇ(39.7) 10.16 20 0
5793664 정신적으로 취약한 정병녀만 따먹고 다니는 성착취 범죄자 ^^H♥(182.31) 10.16 39 0
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5793662 빠른 96 블랙핑크 제니 주갤러(49.142) 10.16 73 2
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5793657 한국치안이 불안해서 살아서 집돌아갈수 있을까 걱정된다는분.JPG ㅇㅇ(59.6) 10.16 32 1
5793656 자꾸 국결하면 처가에 월 몇백 이지랄 하는데 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 10.16 46 1
5793655 진짜 니들 양녀 스시녀 사진 올리는거 보면 존나 웃기노 ㅋㅋ ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 10.16 49 1
5793653 슈엔으로 왔네 ㅇㅇ(118.235) 10.16 17 1
5793652 흥미진진) 어제 미국 유대인관련 자료 찾아봄 주갤러(180.64) 10.16 32 0
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5793644 야시발 서울 300평 3층 ㅇㅇ(39.7) 10.16 22 0
5793643 창녀를 해도 할카스랑 경쟁 해야 하는 주갤 노괴는 왜 300충 무시하냐 주갤러(49.142) 10.16 21 0
5793641 남자는 신뢰없는 사람을 극도로 싫어한다. 여자니들 신뢰가 없는대. 주갤러(115.88) 10.16 34 0
5793640 주붕이들 애비 쓰레기 새끼 맞자나 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 10.16 35 1
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5793631 주붕이들 집안 꼬라지가 눈에 선함 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 10.16 44 1
5793630 한남들 요새 류준열한테 감정이입하더라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^H♥(182.31) 10.16 42 1
5793629 주식맛탱이가고도 민주당 지지하는 새끼들보면 기가찬다 [9] 주갤러(211.60) 10.16 66 9
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5793623 국제결혼 의외의 장점 [3] 주갤러(211.213) 10.16 155 15
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