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갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

야 2006년 중앙대 편입시험 어휘문제만 뽑아왔다 함봐라

ㅇㅀㅀ 2006.03.10 00:25:37
조회 458 추천 0 댓글 9

1. Tom muttered a few words against the boss under his breath. 1) angrily 2) breathlessly 3) timidly 4) quitely 2. The cost was nominal in comparison with the value of what you received. 1) ineffective 2) insignificant 3) integral 4) substantial 3. To climb Mount Everest on a bicycle would be a stupendous accomplishment. 1) unintelligent 2) strenuous 3) monumental 4) energetic 4. The old man eschewed the company of anyone who knew about his past. 1) protested against 2) shunned 3) sought out 4) discharged . Mary wore a red, low-cut dress to the party, but her sister was dressed more decorously. 1) fashionably 2) fancifully 3) warmly 4) modestly 6. Fifty years later he knew, and they knew as well, that there was no way to rectify his betrayal. 1) correct 2) qualify 3) integrate 4) disdain [13-19] 다음 빈칸에 가장 적합한 단어 또는 어구를 고르시오. (각 2.5점) 13. As they helped the community recover from the storm's devastation, the apparently _______ relief workers worked around the clock with an energy that never seemed to wane. 1) eloquent   2) obsequious 3) indefatigable 4) transcendent 14. Paul's grandmother, a _________ business woman; once she turned a small ice cream shop into a popular restaurant and sold it for a huge profit. 1) sagacious 2) repellent 3) ludicrous 4) permeable 15. He should have worked on the article on a regular basis. Instead, he worked on it ________. When the deadline arrived, he wasn't ready. 1) deliberately 2) sporadically 3) incessantly 4) indelibly 16. The new manager was so _________ that he would change his mind whenever anyone disagreed with him. 1) pliable 2) orthodox 3) querulous 4) voracious 17. Jim's _________ behavior at the dance raised some eyebrows; he was certainly the only one who spent the night walking on his hands. 1) adroit 2) aberrant 3) aesthetic 4) apposite 18. After the hurricane, the river was once again ___________. It was hard to believe that only hours before it had been wild and dangerous. 1) buoyant 2) turbulent 3) ebullient 4) tranquil 19. Many scientific discoveries are a matter of ________; Newton was not sitting on the ground thinking about gravity when the apple dropped on his head. 1) serendipity 2) experimentation 3) technology 4) principle [20-26] 다음 빈 칸에 가장 적합한 단어 또는 어구를 고르시오. (각 3점) 20. Pearl isn't allowed to wear jeans to school, so she has gotten into the habit of leaving a pair of jeans in the bushes behind her house and changing into them in her best friend's garage. This little ________ is about to be discovered, however, because Pearl's mother is dropping in on the school unexpectedly today to bring her the lunchbox she left at home this morning. 1) procrastination 2) proclivity 3) frenzy 4) subterfuge 21. Because of his huge contribution to schools and charities, many people view Andrew Carnegie as a(n) ______________. Some historians, however, like to remind the public that Carnegie earned much of his money by paying his workers substandard wages. As he grew older, he may well have become a lover of mankind, but he didn't necessarily start out that way. 1) philologist 2) anthropologist 3) philanthropist 4) entrepreneur 22. Some plants require more light than others as a result of the colors of their leaves. Plants with shades of white, yellow, or pink in their leaves need more light than plants with completely green foliage. For example, a Swedish ivy plant with completely green leaves requires less light per day than a __________ Swedish ivy that contains shades of white, yellow, and green in its leaves. 1) crawling 2) variegated 3) contagious 4) flourishing 토익이랑 비교도 안되는 난이도다 어휘만 뽑아왔다 문법은 더 캢이다

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