디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

혹시 영어 석사 이상되는 형들중에..

과락 2006.03.01 17:40:48
조회 198 추천 0 댓글 1

cpa셤을 내가 봤는데... 다른 과목은 고득점했는데 영어만 꽈락이 났어.. ㅠㅠ 40문제중 전반부 20문제랑 젤 아래 답을 올려보는데 혹시 답이 이상하다거나 출제 오류가 있다고 생각되면 리플좀 부탁해. 정말 사람 목숨이 달린 문제라 생각하고 실력되는 형들은 나 좀 살리는데 동참해줬으면 좋겠어. 제발.. (1-4) 따옴표 친 단어와 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. 1. Competing theories of cognitive science were argued more "vehemently" in the 1980s and 1990s than they are today.   ① extensively        ② truthfully        ③ hotly     ④ interestingly        ⑤ hostilely 2. Some children display an "unquenchable" curiosity about every new thing they encounter.   ① insatiable    ② inherent        ③ indiscriminate   ④ incredible⑤ incongruous 3.Having a child out of wedlock no longer carries the "stigma" it did twenty-five years ago.   ① pregnancy    ② comfort      ③ pain   ④ disgrace              ⑤ poverty 4.Another key change is the "indigenous" multinational companies, which have gifted the country with a huge increase of national wealth during the decade.   ① local               ② genuine     ③ lucrative   ④ speculative          ⑤ widespread (5-10) 밑줄 친 부분 중에서 어법에 어긋난 것을 고르시오. 5.A wise ①and experienced ②administrator ③will assign a job to ④whomever is ⑤best qualified. 6. International education is now a global industry worth $30 billion a year, with ①some 2 million students ②studying abroad, ③figures ④forecast to triple ⑤by 2020. 7.It provided a ①fascinating look ②beneath the ocean’s surface, ③emphasizing human history ④as well geology ⑤and marine biology.   8.①Being looked at photographs of myself and my sisters when we ②had straightened hair in high school, I ③noticed how much older we ④looked than when our hair ⑤was not processed. 9.Consider a government agency ①that, with much fanfare, ②entered into a deal with an IT ③services provider, to which many of ④agency’s staff were subsequently ⑤transferred. 10.We can do more than ①simply say that signs and symbols ②work on the basis of associations ③that people learn and ④that become codes ⑤which they interpret the world and function in it. (11-13)        에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 11.This means that it is possible to make things in space that (       )cannot be made or are made less efficiently on earth: extremely pure crystal, for example.      ① they  ② if it  ③ either  ④ whether it  ⑤ although 12.It is estimated that about one in three people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetimes. Fortunately (         ), with advances in technology, many people can overcome their illness.    ① though   ② if   ③ when   ④ but   ⑤ as if 13.The man is alleged (           ) the store of $3,000 in cash yesterday.    ① to rob                 ② to have robbed         ③ robbing    ④ having robbed         ⑤ robbed (14-15) 따옴표 친 숙어와 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. 14.For many people, the environmental movement became a force to "be reckoned with" on April 22, 1970―the first Earth Day ever celebrated in the United States.    ① applauded      ② considered      ③ experimented    ④ impacted        ⑤ neglected 15.When there is violence and vengeance, it "cuts across" family, tribe, religion, and class.     ① affects   ② kills   ③ unites   ④ dispels   ⑤ removes (16-17)   (A)  와   (B)  에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 16.    (A)      children are not as happy as other children. Parents thinking about having just one child should keep that child’s happiness in mind and give him or her a           (B)     . One child simply does not make a family: Children need brothers and sisters.     ① Rich ― skill     ② Alone ― fortune     ③ Intelligent ― chance     ④ Diligent ― break     ⑤ Only ― sibling 17.The ambiguous rules of the game make it extremely likely that any result will be challenged by everyone but the     (A)     . If they lose, they’re not going to accept it. We can’t see any type of     (B)     .     ① losers ― approval     ② peers ― disapproval     ③ winners ― complaint     ④ losers ― nonchalance     ⑤ winners ― consensus (18-20)        에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.   18.The author was too  (         ) a figure for us to get any detailed information.    ① prominent        ② obscure                ③ notorious    ④ sluggish        ⑤ skillful   19.It is a paradox that while state-funded child care and extremely long and cushy maternity benefits make it easy to be a working mother in Sweden, such benefits also have the effect of            female employment in the most profitable and powerful jobs.    ① punishing        ② endorsing                ③ dampening    ④ augmenting        ⑤ guaranteeing 20.Most Americans are accustomed to thinking of lie detectors as foolproof―as machines that can separate the guilty from the innocent. But in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Lie detectors can and do                     .      ① keep playing      ② get repaired      ③ produce the desired results      ④ prove successful      ⑤ make mistakes 3, 1, 4, 1, 4, 6, 4, 1, 4, 5 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 5, 5, 2, 3, 5

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번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
설문 연예인 안됐으면 어쩔 뻔, 누가 봐도 천상 연예인은? 운영자 24/06/17 - -
1948 팝송의 한구절.. 도저희 이해가 안가서;; [4] ㅁㄴㅇ 06.03.23 179 0
1947 스타벅스는 이스라엘의 군대를 지원하고 있습니다.를 영어로 부탁드려요 [4] ㅇㅇ 06.03.23 249 0
1946 형님들.. 마지막으로 해석 부탁드립니다.도와주세요.. [5] 잉글리쉬 06.03.23 95 0
1945 번역기로 좀 돌려주세요 [7] 토니 몬타나 06.03.23 245 0
1944 형들 나 평균4시간동안 영어단어 30개 외우는데 [7] 수퍼맨 06.03.23 316 0
1943 횽들 .. for,during [5] 아놔.. 06.03.23 130 0
1942 영어 잘하는 아나운서 hd로달려 06.03.23 83 0
1941 한문단 해석좀 부탁드림니다. [1] ㅋㅇㅇ 06.03.23 90 0
1940 형님들 또 질문드려요..문장좀 해석해주세요.. [1] 잉글리쉬 06.03.23 95 0
1938 횽들아~ 8품사 하면 딱 떠오르는 특징이 뭐야? [4] 으흐흐 06.03.23 152 0
1937 형님들..이 문장 해석좀 해주세요.. [4] 잉글리쉬 06.03.23 108 0
1934 297시간만에 귀뚫은 이재룡할아버지 책말이에요. [2] 중국님 06.03.23 507 1
1933 수험생이 읽을만한 영시 좀 추천해주십쇼. [5] 돌로레스 06.03.23 235 0
1932 check 는 뜻이 뭐죠? [2] 액상과당 06.03.23 151 1
1931 형들. 쌩초보가 토익 기본점수 맞을려면 얼마쯤 해야되여? [1] 대리 06.03.22 298 0
1929 영갤러님들 엉터리영작좀 도와주세요.(재롱횽 없3?) [7] 영작 06.03.22 133 0
1928 "벌써 다음수업 시작할 시간이 다되었네" 영작 어떻게하죠 [1] 영어찌질 06.03.22 119 0
1927 혹시 대구에 문깡이라고 아는형들 있어? [1] sss 06.03.22 176 0
1925 영어의 상위 개념??? [3] ㅋㅋ 06.03.22 208 0
1923 "어느나라 사람들이 이곳에 가장 많이 방문합니까?" 영어 표현 [1] 궁금 06.03.22 106 0
1922 외국인들 말할 때 문법을 다 지키면서 해? [2] 한국인 06.03.22 180 0
1920 히밤; 수능본지 4달밖에 안됬는데 영어실력 리셋이야ㅠ [3] ㅠㅠ 06.03.22 201 0
1919 횽들 혹시 윤선생 영어해본 횽들잇어? 윤선생 06.03.22 111 0
1918 횽들 영어 질문이에요..공부방법.. .... 06.03.22 66 0
1917 대학교돌아다니면서 토익강의 싸게해주던데.. [5] ㅇㅋ 06.03.22 249 0
1916 단어책 하나만 추천해주세요 난동 06.03.22 91 0
1915 v와 b가 똑같이 들리는데... [1] 06.03.22 120 0
1913 영어 고수님들께 질문이요 자식아 06.03.22 64 0
1912 한문장 해석 부탁드림니다. [2] zzzz 06.03.22 84 0
1911 도와주세요 [1] 헬프미 06.03.22 51 0
1910 Can you hear music? [1] ^^ 06.03.22 182 0
1909 독해실력을 올리기 위해선 어떻게 해야할까.. [1] 드래 06.03.22 293 0
1908 형들.. 나좀도와줘 희발.. 오늘 완전낚였어 [3] 희발 06.03.22 136 0
1907 [영어] 정인교 06.03.22 34 0
1905 고수님들 쌩초보가 질문있어요!! [3] 미야우 06.03.22 109 0
1904 radio paper가 뭘까용;; [2] e 06.03.22 110 0
1903 효옹드라 이 문장이 5형식이야? [2] 효옹돌 06.03.22 153 0
1902 도무지 이해가 안가네 [11] dd 06.03.22 174 0
1900 giraffe 강세는? [1] ^^ 06.03.22 77 0
1898 clump [2] ^^ 06.03.22 97 0
1897 팝송으로 영어공부를....-_- 얼치기 06.03.22 106 0
1896 문장 해석좀 부탁.. ㅁㄴ 06.03.22 67 0
1895 food-borne이 뭐죠? [1] digggi 06.03.22 106 0
1894 Pains를 어떻게 [1] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 06.03.22 93 0
1893 [영어] 두줄 간단응원문구인데요 확인좀. Charles박Kley 06.03.22 524 1
1892 영어해석 부탁드립니다. [28] dd 06.03.22 260 0
1891 which of the following is a vehicle? [1] ^^ 06.03.22 90 0
1890 수동태 토익문젠데 풀이가 이해가않가 [3] ㅋㅋ 06.03.22 180 0
1889 26일에 토익 보는데..공부를 하나도 안했어.. ㅡ.ㅜ [1] M 06.03.22 115 0
1888 배가 몹시 고프다, 몹시 배가 고프다 [3] 06.03.22 163 0
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