디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

이것 좀 해석해주세요.

존노럼 2006.03.14 10:14:02
조회 93 추천 0 댓글 1

The government should subsidize struggling museums, theaters, and artists.        I am troubled by the eroding distinction between entertainment and marketing.        Protesters cause more good than harm.        A person cannot be truly spiritual without regularly attending church or temple.        Something like the theory of Natural Selection explains why some people are homeless.        If countries like France are unwilling to cooperate with our military plans, we should treat them as enemies. I feel guilty when I shop at a large national chain.        Social justice should be the foundation of any economic system.        People shouldn't be allowed to have children they can't provide for.        I would defend my property with lethal force.        The world would be better if there were no huge corporations, just small businesses.        Professional athletes are paid too much money. Tradition is a reliable guide in deciding what's right.        When I'm talking to someone and I find out they've served in a war, I respect them more.        If I'm dating someone I like to know where they are and what they're up to at all times.        It bugs me when somebody names their child something like 'Sunshine' or 'Charm'.        Only literate people should be allowed to vote.        People raising children have a responsibility to live up to society's standards. The separation of church and state has demoralized our society.        The 'Word of God' exists only as human beings interpret it.        Blind patriotism is a very bad thing.        We need stronger laws protecting the environment.        I would feel better if there were video cameras on most street corners, to prevent crime.        It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel and fight a Death Match. Since parents can't be trusted to monitor what their children watch, TV content needs to be more regulated.        If a company invents a pill that cures cancer, they should be allowed to charge whatever they want for it.        The fact that many people starve to death is unfortunate but unavoidable.        It bothers me that many American companies have moved jobs overseas.        It's wrong when environmental regulation puts people out of work, like when limits on logging make it harder for loggers to log logs.        Most people are too stupid to know what's best for them A person has the right to claim the Holocaust never happened, if that's what he believes.        Books with potentially deadly knowledge (like instructions for making awesome bombs) should be regulated.        Being poor and black is an advantage in getting into college.        Eventually, a computer will write the best novel ever written.        I should be able to sell my vote for cash if I feel like it.        America isn't as free as it thinks it is. Employees should have the right to go on strike without the risk of being permanently replaced.        I think the American government should subsidize our small farms.        The life of one American is worth the lives of several foreigners.        A society is only as successful as its least fortunate members.        Practical considerations aside, a person who doesn't use many government services should pay less in taxes.        I think everyone has a right to the basic material necessities of life. Who did you vote for in the 2004 Presidential Election? Kerry Bush Nader Other I didn't vote I couldn't vote (please select this if you're not a U.S. citizen) If you had to pigeonhole yourself as being 'for' or 'against' the following ideas, how would you do it?    FOR  AGAINST   Legal abortion?    The death penalty?    The War on Drugs?    Gun control?    War with Iraq?    School prayer?    좀 길지만 해주실 뿐 좀 해석 좀 해주세요.

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2396 이거 용법좀 말해주세요. [2] ddd 06.04.03 65 0
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2387 이것좀 봐주세요 ^^;; [9] unnormal 06.04.03 129 0
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2384 creepin' in <- 이 어휘를 [1] 3 06.04.03 114 0
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2379 <홍조가>를 영작해 보았습니다. [2] 거리의화가 06.04.03 78 0
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2376 에세이 체크 해주세요^_^ ... 06.04.03 76 0
2375 횽ㅇ ㅏ 작문쫌해죠~ 아잉~ 06.04.03 34 0
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2373 한국 시간, 미국시간인지 알려주세요. [6] dfdf 06.04.03 125 0
2372 영작문 4개만 부탁드려요 ㅠ.ㅠ [1] 헬푸~ 06.04.03 78 0
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2368 2문장 해석좀 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ [3] 쥐쥫 06.04.03 77 0
2367 영작쫌해주세요 러브러브 06.04.03 62 0
2366 몇 문장만 영작해 주세요. [1] aaa 06.04.03 89 0
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2364 해석좀해주세요...어렵다기보다는 적당한 한국말들이 없네요 [17] cool 06.04.02 216 0
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