디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Please help get the word out there모바일에서 작성

레알병제모(49.167) 2024.06.07 09:22:27
조회 71 추천 0 댓글 1

복사해서 붙여넣고 보내기만 하면 됩니다. (해외 언론사 이메일 목록은 본문 밑에 있습니다)


A Company Commander in South Korean Army Kills a Trainee by Giving Cruel and Brutal Punishments that Violate the Guidelines


Dear [언론사 이름] Team,

I am writing to drop a tip about a devastating event that occurred at the 12th infantry division of the South Korean army, as the title reads, and how the government and relevant bodies are behaving irresponsibly about the incident. This email will encompass the circumstances that lead to the trainee's death and how the problematic company commander is yet NOT being investigated and resting at home instead.

Less than 10 days after entering the camp, 6 trainees were called out on 23rd May 2024 by a company commander for "talking" during personal maintenance time, generally considered free time, last night. As ridiculous as it may sound, those trainees were punished for "talking" during free time.

The punishment under boiling sun lasted for around 3 hours and involved having each trainee in full kit made to weigh 40kg with extra items such as books added for the whole duration, doing reps around the drill ground, push ups and running race. Officers were reported that one of the trainees(Tae-In Park) collapsed and they believed the trainee was faking his condition. Park was made to continue with the punishment and showed several signs of unwellness prior to passing out 40 minutes after it started. Instead of immediate hospitalisation, he was left for tens of minutes before being found and taken to the infirmary at 17:20 KST. Park's breath rate and body temperature were 50/min and 40.5 degrees celsius, respectively after he was transferred to a public hospital, Gangwon-do Sokcho Medical Center, by AFMC(The Armed Force Medical Command) at 18:50 KST. It was confirmed he got Rhabdomyolysis, muscle damage caused by overexertion and excessive peaking of body temperature. His condition only worsened despite 2~3 hours of treatments and he was moved to Gangneung Asan Hospital while unconscious. Although renal dialysis was carried out to address the muscle meltdown, Park passed away 2 days after further deterioration of his condition during the treatment due to septic shock on 25th May 2024.

It is crystal clear and not debatable that the commander has committed a cruel murder.

The aforementioned form of punishment has turned out to be against the guidelines in the manual in accord to the words from figures involved in the military and the press.

Surprisingly, the commander requested for a break, got it approved and is resting well at home till this day instead of being asked to attend a thorough investigation and be sentenced for life right away. On behalf of this commander, the 5 surviving victims of the punishment got heavily investigated.

Park's funeral was held on 30th May 2024 where President Suk-Yeol Yoon was not present. Instead, he was drinking beer at the People's Power Party workshop. On the next morning, the 12th infantry division, where Park served at, conducted a "Smile Exercise" where trainees and all other attendees would be asked to clap and smile loudly. So many people over here in South Korea are lost for words about this. Definitely not a way to show condolences to Park's family.

I greatly appreciate your kind time and attention to this email.

It has now been over 10 days since we lost this poor young soul. Please help shed light on this matter and let the world know.

Kindest Regards,

[제보자 이름]

해외 언론사 목록


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