디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

go 관련 질문 챗지피티 답변

ㅇㅇ(175.223) 2024.06.29 15:58:13
조회 157 추천 0 댓글 15

He went visit his hometown for the first time in ten years. right phrase?

The phrase "He went visit his hometown for the first time in ten years" is not correct. It needs a small adjustment to be grammatically accurate. Here are two correct versions:

"He went to visit his hometown for the first time in ten years."
"He went and visited his hometown for the first time in ten years."
In both cases, adding "to" or "and" before "visit" makes the sentence grammatically correct.

You should go visit your hometown. right?

Yes, "You should go visit your hometown" is correct. It's a complete and grammatically correct sentence.

Go to get some beer. go get some beer. go and get some beer. which is right? which is apropropriate?

All three phrases can be correct, but their usage can vary depending on context and formality:

"Go to get some beer."

Correct, but it sounds a bit formal or less common in casual speech.

"Go get some beer."

Correct and very common in casual speech. It’s a direct and concise way to give a command or suggestion.

"Go and get some beer."

Correct and slightly more formal than "go get some beer." It’s also common in casual speech but includes an extra word for emphasis.

In terms of appropriateness:

For casual or informal contexts, "Go get some beer" is the most appropriate and commonly used.
"Go and get some beer" is also appropriate in casual contexts and adds a bit more emphasis.
"Go to get some beer" is grammatically correct but less commonly used in everyday conversation.

He went to and visit his hometown for the first time in ten years. right sentence?

No, "He went to and visit his hometown for the first time in ten years" is not correct. The correct phrasing should be:

"He went to visit his hometown for the first time in ten years."

If you want to use "and" in the sentence, it would look like this:

"He went to his hometown and visited it for the first time in ten years."
However, the first option is more concise and commonly used.

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