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갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

epic - 영영사전모바일에서 작성

영갤러(218.52) 2024.11.02 12:30:12
조회 41 추천 0 댓글 0

I. \ˈepik, -pēk\ adjective
also ep·i·cal \ˈepə̇kəl, -pēk-\
Etymology: Latin epicus, from Greekepikos, from epos word, speech, epic poem+ -ikos -ic, -ical — more at voice
a. : of, relating to, or befitting an epic
  < epic poets >
  < an epic hero >
  : heroic
  < the epic period in Greek history >
b. : having the characteristics of, resembling, or suggestive of an epic
  < they are heroic poems … but that theyare epic in any save the most general sense… is not quite clear — W.P.Ker >
2. : extending beyond the usual or ordinarye specially in size or scope
< transforms the conventional length ofbread into an epic loaf — Rosamund Frost>
: undertaken on a grand scale
< the final paragraph of this epic biography— W.L.Shirer >
: imposing, impressive
< improvisation … that ranges from out-and-out burlesque to epic grandeur of sceneand action — Saxe Commins >
< a faithful record of an epic expedition — C.A.Lejeune >
< a strange … human being of rather epicproportions — Richard Watts >
II. noun
1. : a long narrative poem recounting thedeeds of a legendary or historical hero:
a. : a long narrative poem (as Homer'sIliad) recounting heroic deeds set against abackground of war and the supernatural, having a serious theme developed in acoherent and unified manner, written in adignified style, and marked by certainformal characteristics (as a beginning inmedias res, the invocation to the muse, andthe use of extended similes) — called alsoclassical epic
b. : a long narrative poem (as Milton'sParadise Lost) having the structure, conventions, and tone of the classical epicbut dealing with later or different subjectmatter — called also literary epic
c. : a long narrative poem (as Beowulf) expressing the early ideals, characteristics, and traditions of a people or nation — called also folk epic
d. : the literary genre consisting of epicpoems
  < epic and romance >
2. : something felt to resemble an epic
< an epic in stone and marble — SamuelButler †1902 >
a. : a long narrative poem
  < an epic … every spring — Lord Byron >
b. : a prose narrative (as a novel), play, ormotion picture
  < voluminous epics on the moral conquestof poverty — E.S.Bates >
  < a Broadway epic — Wolcott Gibbs >
  < eager for short features to exhibit alongwith the full-length Hollywood epicsDun's Review >
especially : one embodying a nation'sideals or historical traditions or centeringaround the adventures or achievements of asingle person or character
  < Moby Dick is an American epic — Richard Chase >
3. : a series of events or body of legend ortradition felt to form the proper subject of an epic
< revives the memories of the greatAmerican epic, the winning of the West — William Clark >
4. usually capitalized : old ionic

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