디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

캐주얼한 의문문 발음 연습 30개 앱에서 작성

목소리 흙수저(115.23) 2024.12.01 19:05:56
조회 73 추천 0 댓글 0

1. What would you do if you had a day all to yourself?
what would you do if you had a day all to yourself

2. Would you have remembered the meeting without my heads-up?
would you have remembered the meeting without my heads up

3. You think we should've taken a different route?
you think we should have taken a different route

4. I'd probably think twice before jumping in.
I like properly think twice before jump in jumping in
I'd probably think twice before jumping in
(I'd )

5. How would you sum yourself up in three words?
how would you sum yourself up in three words

6. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
if you could leave anywhere where would it be
if you could live anywhere where would it be

7. Wonder what would've happened if we'd stayed at the party longer?
I wonder what would have happened if we'd stayed at the party longer

8. If you could go back in time, what would you change?
if you could go back in time what would you change

9. You think things would've been different if we'd passed on that opportunity?
you think things would have been different if we passed on that opportunity

10. Would you feel the same if you'd heard their side first?
would you feel the same if you'd hurt their side first
would you feel the same if you'd heard their side first

11. Think you would've remembered on your own?
I think you would have remembered on your own

12. Got an amazing travel chance - what would you do?
got an amazing travel chance what would you do

13. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
yeah if you could change one thing in your past what would it be

14. Worth taking a shot even with a tiny chance of success?
worth taking a shot even with a tiny chance of success

15. If someone told you back then where you'd end up, would you have believed them?
if someone told you back then where you'd end up would you have believed them

16. What if we all just chilled for a bit?
what if all just chilled for a fit for a bit

17. Knowing what you know now, how different would things be?
knowing what to know now how different would things be
knowing what you know now how different would it would thanks be
knowing what you know now how different would things be

18. You think something else would've happened if we hadn't cut through?
you think something else would have happened if we hadn't cut through

19. If I hadn't seen it myself, I'd never have believed it.
if I haven't seen it myself I'd never had believed it
if I haven't seen it myself I've never I've never have lifted I've never had lipid

20. Would you have done things differently if you'd known the outcome?
would you have done things differently if you're not the icon

21. What would you teach someone if they asked?
what does it take someone if they asked

22. Imagine waking up and everything's totally different.
imagine waking up and everything is totally different

23. Got unlimited resources - what's the first thing you'd do?
got unlimited resources what's the first thing you have to do

24. Think we should've started planning earlier?
think we should have started planning earlier

25. If you could meet anyone from history, who'd it be?

26. What would you say if an old friend suddenly reached out?
what do you say if an old friend certainly reach it out what would you say if an old friend Saturday reach it out

27. We would've been late if I hadn't pushed, right?
we would have been late if I hadn't push it right

28. Think it's possible to start over from scratch?
I think it's possible to start over from scratch

29. What would you do if you won a massive prize?
what would you do if you won a massive prize

30. What makes you happiest?
what makes you happiest

갑자기 혀하고 성대가 너무 꼬여서 포기 일단
had. 하고 would 천천히 하면 할 수는 있겠는데 문장 중간에서 빨리 말하려고 하면 꼬이네요

추천 비추천


고정닉 0


댓글 영역

전체 댓글 0
등록순정렬 기준선택
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하단 갤러리 리스트 영역

왼쪽 컨텐츠 영역

갤러리 리스트 영역

갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
설문 2024년 가장 기억에 남는 인터넷 이슈는? 운영자 24/12/23 - -
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451397 영어과외는 왜 안하냐 ㅇㅇ(58.141) 12.19 41 0
451395 이거 무슨 말임??? [5] 수크라제갤로그로 이동합니다. 12.19 151 0
451394 Cover song 천재(118.39) 12.19 22 0
451393 언냐들 스픽 무료 이벤트하긔 JUN(118.235) 12.19 130 1
451392 IELTs 시험 어드벤테이지 받음 영갤러(121.157) 12.19 34 0
451391 밀가루반죽 가져오던 공무원 영어 이제 한글 선지 나올차례인 2025네 익히기만하면(112.149) 12.19 25 0
451390 mass school shooting [1] 천재(118.39) 12.19 41 0
451389 영어 사투리에 대해 알아보자 신이두빌런(220.82) 12.19 67 0
451388 WSJ Opinion on 12.3 martial law 후달(175.209) 12.19 28 0
451387 스픽이 강의는 진짜 최고의 명품 강의인데 [1] JUN(118.235) 12.19 159 0
451386 구동사란게 이런거구나 영갤러(58.141) 12.19 60 0
451385 쿠든낫 영갤러(58.141) 12.19 39 0
451384 스픽 14일간 무료이벤트하네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [2/1] JUN(182.31) 12.19 169 0
451383 사전적 의미에 치중되면 언어를 감각화 하는 건 불가능하다 [3] 우라칸(59.6) 12.19 99 3
451382 영어 고자들은 일단 단어부터 외운다 [2] 우라칸(59.6) 12.19 133 2
451381 [378/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 12.19 26 0
451380 무의식적으로 동사 뒤에 s 붙이는게 제일 어려운것 같얘 [1] JUN(182.31) 12.19 119 0
451379 영어 리스닝 되는 분들? [1] 영갤러(61.43) 12.19 84 0
451371 노베 일반인 고등 단어장부터 사도 돼? [1] 영갤러(119.66) 12.18 94 0
451370 편영 어려움?? 영갤러(118.235) 12.18 31 0
451368 지구적으로 영어가 개판된이유는, [1] 조선왕이승용(124.216) 12.18 106 0
451367 위그느? 영갤러(58.141) 12.18 27 0
451366 앵 그렇게만 들으면 난점이 있는데 생각에 또 단서풀었다 ㅇㅇ(175.223) 12.18 39 0
451365 R과L을 반모음보다 더 세분해서 liquid로 분류하는이유 ㅇㅇ(175.223) 12.18 45 1
451364 아이엘츠에서 미국실 발음,영어 써도 됨? [3] 영갤러(104.128) 12.18 95 0
451363 서늘한듯 따뜻한듯 이성적인듯 감성적인듯 쿨재즈스탈좋구나 ㅇㅇ(175.223) 12.18 19 0
451362 ㅈ됐다 r발음 안됨 [3] 영갤러(58.141) 12.18 63 0
451361 boot를 왜 bootie 라고 함 영갤러(104.128) 12.18 44 0
451360 와 미드 영어 좆된다. [2] 영갤러(58.141) 12.18 125 1
451359 ode to the music [1] ㅇㅇ(175.223) 12.18 27 0
451358 영어 사투리로 글 써봄 [2] 영갤러(14.50) 12.18 92 0
451357 레딧에서 키배뜨는거 좋은 공부방법인듯 ㅇㅇ(66.183) 12.18 46 0
451356 It’s so so over for Diddy 천재(118.39) 12.18 23 0
451355 단어 외울때 한영변환이 안돼 [1] 영갤러(112.187) 12.18 60 0
451354 캐임브릿지 책은 다 믿을만하지? dd(220.72) 12.18 39 0
451352 잘못된 정보 천재(118.39) 12.18 35 0
451351 수학 물리학 논문 읽고 싶은데 따로 해야하는 영어학습 있나? ㅇㅇ(1.219) 12.18 41 0
451350 go off? 영갤러(58.141) 12.18 51 0
451349 영어공부 어케해야함 [2] 영갤러(118.131) 12.18 149 0
451347 사전으로서는 영한이 영영보다 낫다는 생각이다 [1] 영갤러(221.163) 12.18 80 0
451346 아이엘츠 시험본 사람들 학원갔음?아님 독학? ㅇㅇ(175.194) 12.18 49 0
451345 영어공부 시작했다 [5/1] 영갤러(118.44) 12.18 127 1
451344 The M134 Minigun 천재(118.39) 12.18 20 0
451343 탄핵 [1] 천재(118.39) 12.18 41 2
451342 아패나 갤탭 s8,9는 1시간에 배터리 몇 % 정도 닳아? [4/1] JUN(118.235) 12.18 112 0
451340 어떤 쉴드를 쳐봐야 입법부 박살내려 한건 내란죄로 이어짐. [2] 개밥쉰내(210.91) 12.18 84 3
451339 아이엘츠 목적으로 영어 공부하는거 [1] 스펀지실내화갤로그로 이동합니다. 12.18 64 0
451338 성문종합영어 좋아? [2] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 12.18 111 2
451336 [377/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 12.18 28 0
뉴스 [포토] 주원, 젠틀맨의 자태 디시트렌드 12.26
갤러리 내부 검색
제목+내용게시물 정렬 옵션

오른쪽 컨텐츠 영역

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