디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

recent years 연습앱에서 작성

목소리 흙수저(115.23) 2024.12.03 15:36:19
조회 54 추천 0 댓글 1

1. In recent years, the popularity of K-pop has grown significantly worldwide.

innocent years the popularity of K-pop has grown significantly worldwide

2. Many people have turned to online shopping in recent years due to its convenience.
many people have taught to online shopping in recent years due to his convenience

3. The company's profits have steadily increased in recent years despite economic challenges.
The company profit have stately increased in recent years despite economic challenges

4. In recent years, environmental concerns have become a top priority for governments.
And recent years environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental and environmental concent concern have become a top priority for government government
government government s governments governments governments governments

5. The number of electric vehicles on the road has risen sharply in recent years.
The number of electric vehicles on the road has risen sharply in recent years

6. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in plant-based diets.
in recent years there has been growing interest in plant-based diets
plant-based diet plant-based diets plant-based diet

7. Advances in technology have transformed the healthcare industry in recent years.
advances in technology have transformed the healthcare industry in recent years

8. The demand for remote work opportunities has surged in recent years.
the for remote work opportunities has surged in recent years

9. In recent years, the city has invested heavily in public transportation improvements.
in recent years the city has invested heavily in public transportation improvement improvements improvements improvements

10. Education systems worldwide have adapted to online learning in recent years.

education systems worldwide worldwide have adapted to online learning in recent years

I'm looking for many sentence structures that highlights those kind of S ending words (I don't know what is the right time to explain it though)
"Improvements, goverments"
Light t plus s

I got to practice the pronunciation of the words with sentences

Chatgpt answer

I see what you're aiming for: practicing the pronunciation of plural or possessive words ending in a light t sound followed by s. These combinations often occur in natural speech and can be tricky for non-native speakers. Here are several sentence structures focusing on such words:

I see what's your aiming for practicing the pronunciation of plural or possessive words ending in a light t sound followed by s

Practice Sentences

1. Improvements

The improvements in the system were impressive.
>The improvements in the system were impressive

She suggested several improvements to the design.
>She suggested several improvements to the design

2. Governments

Governments around the world are addressing climate change.
>governments around the world are addressing climate change

Many governments have failed to tackle the issue effectively.
>many governments have failed to tackle the issue effectively

3. Treatments

Modern treatments have made many diseases less deadly.
>modern treatments have made many diseases less deadly
The treatments she received were effective but expensive.
>The treatments should received were effective but expensive

4. Developments

Recent developments in AI are astonishing.
>recent developments in AI are astonishing
The city’s developments are changing the skyline rapidly.
>The city's developments are changing the skyline rapidlu

5. Attachments

Please check the attachments in the email.
>Please check the attachments in the email
The attachments included photos and documents.
>The attachments included photos and documents

6. Requirements

The job requirements were clearly outlined in the posting.
>The job requirements were clearly outlined  in the posting
Meeting all the requirements took longer than expected.
>meeting all the requirements took longer than expected

7. Appointments

I have two appointments scheduled for tomorrow.
>I have two appointments scheduled for tomorrow
He missed several appointments last month.
>he missed several appointments last month

8. Arguments

Their arguments were based on solid evidence.
>their arguments were based on solid evidence
Arguments between siblings are quite common.
>arguments between civil links or card common
>arguments between siblings are quite common

9. Commitments

They have made commitments to reduce emissions.
>They have made commitments to reduce emissions
Fulfilling all her commitments was a challenge.
>fulfilling all her commitments was a challenge

10. Announcements

Important announcements will be made later today.
>important announcements will be made later today
The announcements caught everyone by surprise.
>The announcements caught everyone by surprise

Tips for Pronunciation Practice

1. Focus on the Light T: Pay attention to the slight pause or tap of the t before transitioning to the s sound.

2. Connect Naturally: When speaking, try not to overemphasize the t. It should feel smooth, almost blending into the s.

3. Practice Slowly, Then Increase Speed: Start by pronouncing each word slowly, focusing on clarity. Gradually speed up as you gain confidence.

4. Use Recording: Record yourself saying these sentences and compare them to native speakers.

Would you like additional tips or more sentences?

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