디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

에픽의 타블로가 쓴 글의 원문인데 해석좀 해주세요

징징징 2006.02.16 17:23:20
조회 438 추천 0 댓글 5

What is the whole freaking deal with "Oh, Tablo this, oh Tablo that" or "Oh Epik High, they aren't hip-hop, they are just sellouts." I laugh at comments like these. Just because he's educated from Stanford, does that make him less hip-hop? I mean there are so many highly educated MCs (i.e.: Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Public Enemy, EPMD, Rakim, Dilated Peoples, KRS-One) so does that constitute them as "un-hip-hop?" About Tablo or Epik High appearing on TV shows, do you really think they want to appear on the shows? They tried every route to go away from appearing on shows like Ya Shim Man Man, Banjun Dramas, or Star Golden Bell. It was their last resort. So what are you going to say to Tiger JK appearing on Happy Together? Sure he didn't just go out and do what Tablo did by appearing on random TV shows. Or what about Yang Dong Geun being on Nonstop? Or Drunken Tiger appearing on Nonstop when YDG acted on the show? Are they "fake" now? Those of you who aren't Korean or Korean-American (I'm Korean-American by the way), don't take this the wrong way. I'm making a point here. Some of you guys who aren't of Korean descent have no right to just dog on Epik High for appearing on shows? You don't know what the situation is like in Korea. You don't know what it's like for Korean musicians to literally survive in the Korean music industry. They get screwed by the managers taking more than half of the musician's salaries from selling albums. So to get more dough, they appear on shows. It's not like the American music industry, where the musicians are treated like royalty and get to keep a great and fair share of cash from the albums they sell. It's a whole hierarchy in the Korean music industry. Managers run away with most the money while the musicians try to survive on pocket change from the shady dividing up of money by their managers or label. Plus the whole economic situation in Korea is hella screwed up. More screwed up than the U.S. economy. Corruption by Korean politicians makes it hard to keep a stable job in Korea. Ive met people who went to highschool with him and my older brother went to college with tablo. He was the nerd kid who was talking about Dragon Ball-z all the time! Ive been in korea and i actually chilled with rappers through my cousins. I know theres shady biz going on and you think we hate epik high because they were on TV shows? NO. its the quality of the music they claiming its hip hop and for them to criticizing fans of changing their perspectives when Epik high temselves did. Epik high criticized so many tv shows and musicians appearing on those type of shows and what is tablo doing now? I dont hate epik high, their first album was great. but their last two album were GARBAGE.

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