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고갤러(211.198) 2023.11.01 19:46:55
조회 98 추천 0 댓글 2

hi everyone welcome to dressing's martial channel another episode of kung fu debunked we're going to talkabout why tong bae is better than 95 percent of other chinese martial systems nowi use this number 95 loosely right it's just it's better than the majority there's no exact mass to determineexactly how much you know basically well how many style tone makes better than so yeah don't don't take that as exactnumber but i believe that tone bay is better than a big portion of the chinese modern system that we see todayand this video we'll talk about what so before we start i just have to address something from the last videothat one of the viewers pointed out um basically in the last video where i talk about outcome razor applied tomantis we did the thing where he was sticking with that food in frontyeah and then he was punching with that hand so i did low shot collarbone punch and i did this[Music] if you watch it you should remember and i talked about how the problem was thiscomes in the form that if he pushes too much or he pushes too little and he tap likehe taps back you can't grab this hand and after i explain that i then went on and say somepeople might think you can do a waist slash if you push too much and then i went on to show it and itdidn't work so i thought that was obvious enough but um one of the viewers pointed outthat i was doing weight loss incorrectly so i guess some of you probably didn't get the point is to show that it doesn't work right

that's why it's incorrect the reason for that because the problem was slide required to be the other wayand then you trap this leg and then you trap the opposite armand then you apply force here to to trip it but when he's on this sideif you push it too much which the hand wise is ideal to set up for a waistslash but because he's standing this way you can't trip it so that's why this technique doesn't workright so i did that to pull to show that it doesn't work not to show a proper waistline so that'sthe confusion and furthermore this also further strengthens my points that immenses all these things arehighly specific you need this leg to be here you need to catch the opposite handfor this technique to work and you know if only the the hand motion is presentedbut just in the wrong way it doesn't work so this kind of makes everything need highly specific and that's why it's sohard or actually impossible to pull these things off in actual fighting people who you cannotpredict and do random stuff and so that's the whole point what mentors in my opinionthe one that i've learned is not that practical because everything is highly specificthis leg has to be just like that arm this way where they need to work if it's something else you have to do adifferent technique so you end up learning a bunch of technique one for every specific situation andthat's like you know having 50 keys and we in a rush you know which key to you to open the door well that was the whole point of lostbuilding now let's just get out of the way we're going to focus on today's topicand you know since i use outcome raising our managers at the events i've learned right let's illustrate that the methods that i'velearned and explain why it's not ideal it's only fair to use outcome razer understand i'mdoing currently which is now some people might think you knowsince this is stop doing therefore i'm biased towards it now while it is true that no one can becompletely free of bias right be completely not biased but youdo have to remember one thing okay if you know my background inchinese martial art well if you don't i have already have videos about it but if you know that or you've watchedthe video already you will know i went through a lot of different styles i tried out pretty much everything thereis on the market and every time i find something that doesn't work i moved onso a severe biased person is someone who did one style inherited from his fatheror whoever else and he ensures that that is the best stuff and any evidencethat points out that is not the best style they ignore that's the key to being a biased personbut i'm actually different to that what practice i was now doing 10 stars at some point with a shittylarger and that and eventually i realized he doesn't really work that well and i move on to something else i do mantisi realized manchester didn't really work that well and moved on so for me i don't really have any investment in asingle style that style must be the best for me i'm looking for the best if someone can prove me just it's notworking something else is better i'd gladly let this go and move on to the next thingso my approach to martial art is probably more scientific i basically conduct experimentsright i go to these masters before i make my current tongue master master i just think convey is bad because thepast experience downton bay they weren't great but i met this master home he beat me badlyi have no chance against him and that forces me to change my opinion that's why and i'mnot that biased towards any martial arts style i wanted to change my opinion as long as i have solid evidenceto prove my current opinion wrong right it makes sense right yeah well it's just it's just speakingfrom experience basically you've tried different different stuff for methis is this is the best thing yes everything's under moderation right that is important and that's theattitude of science it's everything under moderation if i'm proven wrong then gladly change my opinionso therefore you know when i say i think king tongue is better than the majority of other martial arts it'snot that i'm being biased or just something special about this feeling for this stuff it's just that you know from everything i've seenthis is just one of the better ones all right with that out of the way we're going to talk about nowagain i'm going to be talking about a circular hand and you see my past video you will know that i often come to the circular hand thereason for that is because my tomato master is old school so he's not veryokay with me exposing a lot of the stuff that we learned and this is one thing that you know ihave strong before so i'm gonna just keep going back to this but today i'm gonna add a little bit more right we're gonna seewhy this is better than all these other conventional chinese martial systems and the short answer to that isbecause as well some other internal stuff like shiny tai chi et cetera each of themthey approach combat is more like boxing than mantas and some of theseother stars i talked about in the previous video but over here look further into it rightand just in case you don't know what i'm talking about the thing about memphis a lot of other chinese martial stuff theyhave to to have a combo setup like one two three and then four and then five and thenblock and then six and then seven like everything has to fit exactly like that for it to carry out like i need alittle response from him to carry on with the next technique um another good example is if you grabthis arm and do a punch here you know like here and then i'll be here doing this and he'll blockthat and i'll be here you know these things are all highly specific because i know exactly whatresponse he's going to have for me to do that so that's a lot what lovely chinese mushroomused to do that still does another thing you know like this move cancels that move like if he does those moves i'm gonna do anothermove to cancel it or like you know martial people that teaches if you grind my rules i'm gonna do thisyou know if you grab with that hand i'm gonna do this if you grab my chest i'm gonna do thisor if it's bend here i'm gonna you know do this if he's straight i'm gonna do thisyou know if heone thing for everything right that is the conventional chinese marshall because at least 90 percent of chinese martialcurrently therefore the combat is like this or the expression to come back through hishuman set like he will do a technique and i'll you know neutralize it and do another thing backand he will do it and do another technique back so that is doubly in contrast tothe modern combat score like boxing because in boston you don't have these highly specific things you have straight punch well jabcross hook uppercut you have a couple of stiff works you have the bobbin weave don't havedouble slip and then you put that together and it's like a lego right you put them together and you make up comboson the go you have certain combos that you trim beforehand maybe you knowor something like that but they're all made from fundamental building blocks they're not highly specific techniquedesigned for one situation only so that's a bit too big difference betweenthe boxing like combat and chinese traditional martial art like combat and in the lastvideo i talked about the styles in chinese martial arts that are more like boxing than theseconventional 800 bb kind of cc kind of d kind of approach and toneblade is one of those but todayi'm going to show you how um circular hand is actually more like boxingthan chinese martial art conventional chinese martial even though it actually doesn't store boxing punchesso the most idealistic application to circular handis basically either he punches or he doesn't punch it doesn't matter if he punches i will catch his arm this way if hedoesn't punch i will try to elicit a response if he try to intercept it i i have the hand if hedoes obviously i'll just slap him in effect okay so the most ideal thing is ido this he intercepts or he punches and i intercept doesn't matter and then i'm going to apply force turnpump to the face and then a mid punch to the ribs so that is the basic application comboof this whole technique so if you do it very fast it will do something like thisokay and you say you know maybe this looks like other chinese martial arts isjust one singular combo however now we're gonna look at different possibilitiesif upon choosing to do this hand he punch with the other hand it will stillbe the same i can't do it again i can still do this and then maybe i can't punch in the roofsee if i just punching uh higher right to the chest or even to the face it's still the samemove i'm not changing this move and a lot of martial techniques in othermartial styles they really have trouble with it you know like low shot for this exampleright you have to lower from outside you can't do you can't do lotion just if i do normalthis way you're gonna punch me with that hand and you know that's what those will have to come here and then do a punchso these are specific but circular hands and i can circulate that hand like a circular tothis hand it doesn't matter and it's not dependent on which side his foot is because i'm not trying to trap his footlike just not in waistline he can stand however he wants if he punches i can use circular hand and then we lookfurther what if the um hook was that that hand right i can slow do the sensor same thing okayso if you do it to a hook it stole that and it started at that point no differencenow what you cook with that hand this is slightly uh the difference so if i cut inwardsi'm gonna hit him in the face first and that way i'll just break his whole spinebalance right now the spine breaks the spine balance and therefore the hook is sort of weakened and if he's faster or justbasically go further and let him through and proceed with the same techniquethis is the least ideal but you can see that it still worksand obviously if you have a bit of reflex during that moment you could just simply do a circular headup with the other hand even though you're training hands you're using the same techniqueit's like you know you either do a hook this way or do a hook this way it's still a hook even though it's two different size so so far i've used the exact same technique on four different possibilities that he could punch obviously circular handcan't address an uppercut but people usually don't lead to his uppercut

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1842969 고민좀들어주실분 [1] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 23.11.03 73 0
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1842956 전문대 인생 고민 [6] 고갤러(124.111) 23.11.02 131 0
1842953 나이를 속인 남친 [16] 고갤러(211.57) 23.11.02 184 0
1842952 고딩인데 친구가 없어서 고민이다 [6] ㅁㄴㅇㄹ(175.211) 23.11.02 155 0
1842950 여러분 안녕하세요 [2] 이슬여왕(223.62) 23.11.02 91 0
1842949 마약을 하면 평범한 행복을 못느낀다는데 [2] 고갤러(182.229) 23.11.02 109 0
1842948 인생자체가 고민이면 어떡해 [2] 고갤러(222.104) 23.11.02 96 0
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1842945 무기력증에서 벗어나고 싶어요. [2] ㅇㅂㅇ(218.147) 23.11.01 120 0
1842944 못생기고 약간 뚱뚱한 오덕녀랑 사귐 [3] 고갤러(27.35) 23.11.01 194 0
1842942 오늘 전반적으로 다 실패엿어 쭈굴(106.131) 23.11.01 55 0
1842941 하...인생 [15] 도리(49.173) 23.11.01 128 0
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