디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

영어로 성적 정정 메일 썼는데 봐주실 분 있는지?

ㅇㅇ(210.97) 2021.06.27 18:36:34
조회 105 추천 0 댓글 11

외국대학은 아니고 한국대학인데 교수님이 교포시고 영어로만 수업함

메일도 영어로 보내야 함

Dear Professor 교수이름,

This is 이름, who is a freshman at ㅇㅇ University, majoring in 내 학과. I am writing to appeal the grade I received in your Multicultural Perspective Section 2 class this semester.

Of course, I respect your way of grading and evaluation of me, but I write this letter to see if there were any misapprehensions while grading. There is something I have a load on my mind while in the process I sent you an email for my essay.

First, while double-checking, I found that I sent you the Word file named '학번오타냄 내이름', which is the typo of '학번 내이름'. I wonder If this occurred some computational error and consequently affected my grade.

Secondly, I enclosed the sentence 'See you after 2 years...' while sending an email, and I apologize if this was unpleasant for you to read. There was no intention of making you uncomfortable, I just wrote it because I have to serve in the military from this August, and I felt upset that I could not attend your class for the next 2 years while I am in the military. Again, I apologize for sending such unnecessary text.

If there was a shortcoming in my essay, I will fully accept my grade. I endeavored to write my essay to meet your standard, subtracting my own thoughts, avoid writing the definition of each term, and utilizing each concept I learned in the class. I also know that my essay was not the Perfect Ten. It was too abstract and lacked explanation about question No. 2 due to lack of time.

If it's not rude, I would like to know what part was lacking from my essay including those. I would refer to what you said and improve next semester. I appreciate the grade correction alone, but it would be even better if you send me certain feedback.

B+ isn't a bad grade, but I think I deserve a higher score than that. I fully attended this semester's class, got 96 in the midterm exam which was a relatively higher score than others, and prepared for the final exam giving lots of effort. I take pride in participating in the class and asking questions more enthusiastically than anyone else.

Since this class was most interesting this semester, I worked hard, studied hard, and prepared hard. I enjoyed attending your class, and it is too bad that I cannot attend this class for the next 2 years. I was moved by your passion to teach undergraduate students, and I felt a lot. Also, I learned a lot from the conversation once we had after the class, talking about discrimination in Korea mainly on Chinese-Korean. That conversation affected my mind thinking about other minorities in Korea.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to review this request. I appreciate everything you have done for me. Thank you very much for the effort.


뭐 어색한 거 있는지? 제가 토종 김치맨이라

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