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갤러리 본문 영역

12월 5일부터 도지 다시 쏜다고 소문 잇던데

비갤러(96.49) 2024.12.03 15:41:41
조회 136 추천 1 댓글 0

December 5 could become a major catalyst for Dogecoin.

The cryptocurrency market now anticipates a critical week for Dogecoin, centered around the significant event in Washington, D.C. on December 5. On that day, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will address members of Congress, presenting important proposals with the support of the Department of Government Efficiency. This development could have a significant impact on Dogecoin's price.

The Department of Government Efficiency (abbreviated as DOGE) has played an important role in shaping Dogecoin's recent price movements. Under Musk's leadership and with the support of Donald Trump, DOGE aims to streamline government spending and improve the operational efficiency of federal agencies. The establishment of the department, along with its connections to influential figures like Musk and Trump, has triggered a flurry of speculation around Dogecoin, leading to significant price fluctuations.

Historical data highlights the department's impact on Dogecoin's valuation. The announcement of Musk being appointed as the CEO of Dogecoin led to a 15% increase in its price. Following support and activities related to the plan, this increase rose by another 120% within a week. Moreover, with extensive discussions about Dogecoin on social media and Musk's financial contributions to related political actions, Dogecoin further increased by 10%.

These price movements directly reflect the increased speculation among traders and public interest triggered by media reports and Musk's active promotion of the Department of Government Efficiency.

The upcoming December 5 event is a crucial moment for Dogecoin. According to CNBC, Louisiana House Speaker Mike Johnson announced that Musk and Ramaswamy will meet with Republican congressional leaders to discuss major reform ideas aimed at achieving deregulation, administrative cuts, and cost savings. Johnson stated, "Entrepreneurs will discuss significant reform ideas aimed at achieving deregulation, administrative cuts, and cost savings with Republican lawmakers."

Musk and Ramaswamy have laid out ambitious plans for DOGE, including significant cuts to federal staff and the closure of numerous federal agencies and regulatory bodies. In a recent (Wall Street Journal) op-ed, they expressed intentions to "eliminate spending not approved by Congress" and cut federal funding to entities such as public broadcasting, multiple international organizations, and Planned Parenthood. Additionally, Musk proposed that the White House should "eliminate" the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an independent agency responsible for overseeing financial institutions.

However, the implementation of these proposals depends on congressional approval, as the House of Representatives holds the power to allocate federal funds to agencies. The upcoming meeting on December 5 indicates that Republican leadership is seriously considering the initiatives of Musk and Ramaswamy.

The impact on Dogecoin's price is multifaceted. Government initiatives and Musk's high-profile support have increased Dogecoin's visibility in the broader public sphere. As investors closely monitor the outcomes of the December 5 meeting, trading volumes and speculative trading activities are expected to rise.

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