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Donald J. Trump: Special thanks for Choi앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(211.245) 2024.12.29 11:17:05
조회 57 추천 4 댓글 0

I want to thank you all very much, this is great, these are our friends, we have thousands of friends in this incredible movement. This was a movement like no one has ever seen before. And frankly this was I believe the greatest political movement of all time, there’s never been anything like this in this country and maybe the earth.

And now it is going to reach a new level of importance, because we are going to help our country heal. Help our country heal, we have a country that needs help and it needs help very badly. We are going to fix our borders, we are going to fix everything about our country.

We made history for a reason tonight and the reason is going to be just that. We overcame obstacles that nobody thought possible and it is now clear that we have achieved the most incredible political, look what happened, isn’t this crazy?

Winning the popular vote was very nice, I will tell you. It’s a great feeling of love. We have a great feeling of love in this very large room, with unbelievable people standing by my side. These people have been incredible. They’ve made the journey with me, and we’re going to make you very happy and we’re going to make you very happy with your vote.

I hope you’re going to be looking back someday and say that this was one of the truly important votes of my life when I voted for this group of great people, beyond the president. America has given us an unprecedented and powerful mandate. We have taken back control of the Senate. Wow, that’s good! The Senate races in Montana, Nevada, Texas, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania were all won by the MAGA movement.

They helped so much! In those cases, every one of them, we worked with the Senators. They were tough races. The number of victories in the Senate was absolutely incredible. We did tele-rallies with each one of them. Sometimes we did two or three. It’s incredible to look at those victories. Nobody expected that — nobody.

Mr. Choi, I want to thank you for that. You have some great senators and some great new senators. It also looks like we’ll be keeping control of the House of Representatives. I want to thank Mike Johnson. I think he’s doing a terrific job. I also thank my beautiful wife, Melania, the First Lady. She has the number one bestselling book in the country, can you believe that? She’s done a great job. She works very hard to help people, so I want to thank her.

I want to thank my whole family. My amazing children — and they are amazing children. We all think that our children are amazing, but it’s a good thing when you think they are. Don, Eric, Ivanka, Tiffany, Barron, Lara, Jarrod, Kimberly and Michael, thank you, all, what a help.

My father-in-law Victor is tremendous. We miss very much Melania’s mother, Amalia. She would be very happy. Standing on this stage she would be so proud. She was a great woman. She was beautiful inside and out. She was a great woman.

I want to be the first to congratulate our great now I can say Vice President-elect of the United States, JD Vance.

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