디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

th횽 좀 봐봐

CommonMan(123.243) 2009.09.19 21:59:50
조회 186 추천 0 댓글 7

The newsletter ‘A word from our coach’ written by Sam is aimed to address the issue of bad sportsmanship by some parents and
coaches. At the same time, Sam emphasises on the importance of good sportsmanship and parents’ role in the issue.

Sam addresses the bad behaviour of parents during sport events and the effect it has on the children. Personal accounts is used
to persuade the readers. The eight years old Emily was upset because of her dad’s behaviour during the game. The use of
personal accounts is designed to capture the reader’s attention, so they are likely to read on, as readers are able to make a
contrast between Emily’s case and their own experience. It also evokes a sense of sympathy for Emily and the readers are forced
to agree that bad behaviour from parents can have a big impact on a child’s growth. The accompanying cartoon also reinforces
the issue emphasised by Sam. The Cartoon shows an angry dad that is drawn as a donkey yelling at his daughter. The umpire
and the parents all seem frustrated by the ‘man’ ’s behaviour. The cartoon is able to make a direct link to the personal account
as it resembles an angry dad yelling at his daughter (Emily). At the same time, the readers are manipulated to agree that bad
parental behaviour can affect everyone, so those who did behave badly are obligated to feel guilty and forced to act responsibly.

The newslater moves on to emphasise the importance of good sportsmanship. Sam uses a range of samples of good
sportsmanship to support his point of view. Common acts by athletes are listed here. Readers are encouraged to agree with Sam
since it is common to everyone that good sportsmanship is present in honourable sports events such as the Olympic game.
Together with the example of good sportsmanship from a former Olympic game, the readers are struck with the importance of
good sportsmanship, only then will parents behave responsibly.

Furthermore, Sam uses a range of persuasive technics to invite the readers to agree with his point of view on what bad
sportsmanship will lead to. The use of inclusive language is maximised to a great extent. The writer uses ‘we’ and ‘they’ to
seperate the good parents from the bad. He hopes that good parents will be encouraged to continue the good behaviour, while
the bad parents are obligated to feel guilty about their behaviour. Hopefully, the guilt will lead to an improvement. The cartoon
serves it’s second purpose to help make the bad parents feel guilty, as readers are able to tell that everyone is upset about ‘his’
behaviour. Only when ownership of the problem is recognised can there be a solution. Sam wants an improvement in some
parents’ behaviour.

Therefore, the readers (parents in particular) are obligated to read the newslater and agree with Sam’s point of view. Good
behaviours should be recognised and bad behaviours should be omitted. After all, it is for the good of the kids.

나 몇개월만에 디씨 처음 들어왔는데 https://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=foreign_university&no=64674&page=2&bbs=
이글 보고 충격받았음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저도 롸이팅 존나 잘하고 싶은데 방법 없나요? 좀 노하우 좀 알려주셈
제가 쓰는 스타일이↑ 저렇거든요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ뭐 방법없나요? 저는 보카 좀 딸리는데 음...딸리긴 보다는
요즘에는 나이가 20이라 그런지 새 단어 외워도 하나도 기억안납디다 이거 어찌하면 좋을까요?
아 너무 broad해서 뭐라 정리도 안되네요 ㅠㅠ 좀 제스타일보시고 노하우좀 갈켜주세요

P.S. 저건 참고로 영어 trial exam볼때는 낸 답안
P.S.1. 지금 얼리 써놓고 대학 기다리는데, 음 이따구 영어실력은 내년에 대학가면 발리나요?

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