디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Objective past presidents evaluation모바일에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(118.235) 2024.08.12 20:52:55
조회 68 추천 1 댓글 0

Syngman Rhee: D He lost half of the country due to his failure to respond to the Korean War early on, attempted dictatorship, and even committed election fraud. There was almost no economic development. Still, he participated in the independence movement to lay the foundation for the country and was recognized for signing the ROK-US Defense Treaty, so he avoided an F.

Yun Bo-seon: C+ Although it was a short period of time, he tried to create a new government, such as an attempt at a cabinet system.

Park Chung-hee: C He seized power through a coup without a justification, suppressed the people with the Yushin Constitution, and was also a dictator. He even made the military service system abnormal. Still, he is credited with economic development, so it's not a complete failure, but this much.

Choi Kyu-ha: C He honestly did nothing. He was just a scarecrow. He was ultimately unable to stop the coup, which led to the rise of Chun Doo-hwan.

Chun Doo-hwan: F No need to say anything. He was just the worst. He was a dictator worse than Park Chung-hee, and he suppressed the press and committed massacres. Economic development?  Compared to Park Chung-hee's time, it's not that bad, but the subordinates did everything. They just came out and arrested and tortured the people, and they're just trash who did nothing more.

Roh Tae-woo: C+ He's a remnant of the military dictatorship, but he tried to liquidate the dictatorship system, and he tried to expand diplomatic channels through Northern Diplomacy, and joined the UN. He also improved our country's security. But he severely suppressed college students, and he's not free from this problem. He also took bribes.

Kim Young-sam: D+ He completely liquidated the military dictatorship. He introduced the real-name financial transaction system. But that's all. He caused public anxiety through various incidents and accidents, and he caused the IMF crisis, which is why our country is still not free from unemployment, irregular employment, birth rate, etc. His mistakes don't cover them up.

Kim Dae-jung: A He's not perfect, but he almost overcame the IMF, worked to ease tensions with North Korea, and as a result, he became Korea's only Nobel Prize winner. The reason he's not A+ is because he created the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family and wasted tax money.

Roh Moo-hyun: B+ It's disappointing compared to Kim Dae-jung, but this was a time when we can say that we completely escaped authoritarianism, and we emphasized the importance of independent national defense. We also played a role in easing inter-Korean relations. Although the economy did not grow by 7%, we did a good job.

Lee Myung-bak: C Wasted the budget on the Four Major Rivers Project and committed many acts of corruption and bribery. Still, we can credit for preventing the Lehman Brothers incident. However, our overly pro-American stance led to crises such as the new flu pandemic and mad cow disease. Our personnel selection was also a mess.

Park Geun-hye: D She was impeached for the first time for manipulating state affairs, which already hinted at her lack of qualifications. It was also a time when safety insensitivity was high. Still, she did not openly act as a dictator like Syngman Rhee and Chun Doo-hwan, so she avoided an F.

Moon Jae-in: A+ Achieved significant results in various fields such as livelihood, economy, quarantine, diplomacy, culture, and politics. As a result, our country's status was raised.

Yoon Seok-yeol: F Biden, China, Japan, etc. Diplomatic disasters and hopeless economic situations. On top of that, personnel selection is always hopeless, and the president is using his veto to change his words and is abusing his power. He is disrupting politics with his dictatorship of the prosecution and ruining people's livelihoods with his ban on overseas direct purchases.

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