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라그랑주갤로그로 이동합니다. 2022.05.16 10:57:02
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르세라핌, 스포티파이 월간 청취자수 200만 돌파+빌보드 재팬 ‘핫 100’ 9위

데뷔곡 ‘FEARLESS’로 인기 과시, ‘클래스가 다른 팀’ 입증

박동제 기자 | 기사입력 2022/05/16 [10:14]

Le Seraphim surpasses 2 million monthly listeners on Spotify + 9th place on Billboard Japan's 'Hot 100'

Show off popularity with their debut song ‘FEARLESS’, prove ‘a team with a different class’

Break News Reporter Park Dong-jae = LE SSERAFIM (Kim Chae-won, Sakura, Heo Yun-jin, Kazuha, Kim Ga-ram, Hong Eun-chae) is showing off her popularity even in the 3rd week of her debut, pouring out surprising results on domestic and international charts.

On the 14th, Le Seraphim surpassed 2 million monthly listeners on Spotify, the world's largest music streaming service. This was achieved 12 days after Le Seraphim's debut, and you can feel their worldwide popularity.

Le Seraphim's debut song 'FEARLESS' ranked 167th on the Spotify weekly 'Global Top 200' chart released on the 12th (local time). The song entered the 'Global Top 200' chart for the first time on the 3rd day after its release at No. 171, setting a new record for the shortest time among the debut songs of a girl group, and also showed a presence on the weekly chart.

'FEARLESS' ranked 9th on the Billboard Japan 'Hot 100' chart (counting period May 2-8) released on the 11th. Among the debut songs of a girl group released this year, ‘FEARLESS’ is the only song that has landed in the top 10 on the chart. In addition, the debut album of the same name is receiving a hot response in Japan, taking the top spot on the Billboard Japan 'Hot Album' and 'Download Album' charts counted during the same period.

The rise in popularity in the domestic music charts is also worth noting. ‘FEARLESS’ entered the Melon Daily ‘Top 100’ chart for the first time on the 5th and climbed up the ranking every day, and on the 14th, it was ranked 28th. On the Bugs Daily Chart, it was ranked 6th on the 6th and 4th on the 14th, consistently staying in the top 10.

In addition, this song first entered the Vibe's 'Today Top 100' chart at #122 on the 3rd, and then climbed to #10 on the 14th.

The topicality of Le Seraphim was also reflected in the number of music video views. The music video for their debut song ‘FEARLESS’ achieved 10 million views in the shortest time among the music videos of a new girl group that debuted this year, and surpassed 60 million views around 11 pm on the 14th.

On the other hand, Le Seraphim made their debut on the 2nd with the album 'FEARLESS', which contains the bold images of the six members who are not swayed by the world's gaze and move forward without fear.

Le Seraphim is showing off the strong presence of a 'team of a different class' with the title song depicting the bold aspiration to stand at the top, the dynamic yet sophisticated performance of the six members, and the perfect visual combination.

걍 전나 잘 나간다는 기사임...................ㅋ

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