디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

독해잘하는 새끼들아 이거풀어봐라 이정도면 순시보다 어려운거냐?모바일에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(117.111) 2018.01.11 22:12:04
조회 215 추천 0 댓글 5

재밌는 주제니 읽어보기바람
By nature, men's lust for sex is enormous. Moreover, the development of the Internet has led to a large amount of misinformation. One of the best examples is that women find it distasteful to deny sex, and that it feels like it is embarrassing to be ashamed. Those who encounter such erroneous information falsely dismiss it and move it into practice. That is why dating violence between couples is responsible for dating these days and causes rape. To prevent this from happening, one might need to filter erroneous Internet information, and adults will need specific and periodic sex education from youth to have proper sex values. To make it happen, we advise you to read books about sex education with your parents first, and encourage them to read about sex education. Second, you should support your children's sexual intercourse. It may sound a little bit unusual, but it is important. At the end of the day, the average sex age of teenagers is 15 years old. The average age of 15 is that it may be faster or slower. After all, your children are having sex somewhere. If your child has a girlfriend, you should tell him how to do birth control. Of course, regular sex education is essential since children who listen to it can easily accept it. Deep sex education in adults and sometimes interesting sex education are the best alternative to reducing sex crimes in the future.


1. The average age of sexual intercourse between teenagers is getting faster.
2. Parents ' sexual ignorance can increase future sex crimes.
3. Parents should be forceful when carrying out sex education to their children.
4. The cause of dating and rape is due to the innate sexual desire.

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