디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Korean History

ㅇㅇ(122.254) 2018.07.05 13:54:03
조회 128 추천 1 댓글 3

Ⅰ. Prehistoric Culture on the Korean peninsula and the Formation of States


The Korean peninsula and Manchuria have been inhabited since the Paleolithic ( ‘Old Stone’) Age. The ethnic ancestors of today’s Korean people settled on the Korean peninsula from the Neolithic Stone Age to the Bronze Age and engaged in rice cultivation and raising livestock. The very first state established by these inhabitants known as Old Joseon (Gojoseon). From the fourth century B.C. to the second century B.C., Old Joseon developed into a central power within Manchuria and the Korean peninsula. Following the second century B.C., several states formed in Manchuria and the Korean peninsula, and developedata rapid pace by interacting with each other.

Ⅱ. The Three Kingdoms Develop into Centralistic Nations


Numerous small states that arose with the spread of the iron culture became incorporated into the three kingdoms of Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla during the 4th and the 5th centuries. Goguryeo, which expanded power through confrontation with the Chinese forces in the northern part of the Korean peninsula, emerged as a major empire of Northeast Asia in the 5th century. By the 7th century, Goguryeo engaged in numerous confrontations with unified China and triumphed. Meanwhile, Baekje, which arose along the Han River, greatly expanded its territory from the latter part of the 4th century and engaged in active maritime activities. Silla, which emerged in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula, cultivated national strength following the 6th century and became a central force of the Three Kingdoms by confronting Baekje and Goguryeo.

Ⅲ. The Development of the Unified Silla and Balhae


The confrontation among the Three Kingdoms entered into full swing with the advancement of Silla into the Han River basin and finally came to an end with the establishment of Unified Silla and the founding of Balhae. The prolonged war had ended and an era of peace followed.
The economy and culture of Silla thrived. The Buddhist culture best represented by the Bulguk Temple and Seokguram Grotto were widely recognized as great advancements. Through international exchanges, Silla actively participated in the flow of world affairs. Balhae, which had succeeded Goguryeo, boasted national strength and cultural level so advanced that it was referred to as the‘ flourishing land in the East’.

Ⅳ. The Establishment and Development of the Aristocratic Society of Goryeo


Goryeo unified the Later Three Kingdoms, accepted the displaced people of Balhae and united all the people of Korea. Goryeo officially recognized Buddhism as the state religion, while establishing Confucianis as the principle for ruling. Goryeo struggled under invasions from the Khitan, the Jurchen and the Mongols, and wisely overcame these hardships. It left behind such great cultural heritages as the Tripitaka Koreana and Goryeo celadon. Furthermore, through its open foreign policies, it succeeded in making the name Goryeo (Corea) widely known throughout the world.

Ⅴ. Joseon Society Focused on the Yangban Class


Joseon moved its capital from Gaegyeong to Hanyang(presently Seoul), carried out sweeping reforms in landholding and the ruling system, and formulated the framework of governing the state. Political and social systems centered on the Yangban class were solidified and Seongnihak, the New-Confucianism, became the governing doctrine of the nation. Furthermore, it became equipped with an economic structure based on agriculture which was supported by the government. Furthermore, the borders of Joseon were expanded to the Yalu and Tumen Rivers, developed the Hunminjeongeum, the Korean alphabet, and strengthened its status as an independent nation.
Following the 16th century, a faction based in the countryside (the Sarim faction) advanced into central politics and came into confrontation with the existing political power(the Hungu faction). The factions that seized political power then confronted one another according to regions, sects and doctrines
Joseon engaged in friendly relations with the Ming Dynasty of China and also made contact with the Jurchen and Japan. At the end of the 16th century, however, Japan launched a massive attack against Joseon, and in the 17th century, Joseon suffered hardship under invasion from the Jurchen which had grown powerful.

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