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ㅇㅇ(39.118) 2024.12.15 18:01:14
조회 26 추천 0 댓글 0


I Have Seen Lucifer In The Christian Church - The Other Side of Darkness

I remember the first time my husband and I took our family to a Christian church like it was yesterday. I was February of 2013, and it was Super Bowl Sunday. I was absolutely taken away by the love of God that day, and I went from a God-hating pagan to a woman devoted to Jesus Christ in a matter of months. We quickly fell in step with the Christian life: we began attending church weekly, as well as Bible studies and a life group. My husband and I were baptized and became members a few months later. The church became my priority in every avenue of my life. On top of Bible studies I was in the choir, the worship band, leading Bible studies and joining church committees. I was giving 100% of myself to the church, that is until I began a deep journey of inner healing. I am glad when I suffer for you in my body, for I am participating in the sufferings of Christ that continue for his body, the church. Colossians 1:24 Once I began inner healing it dramatically changed my ability to be involved in church activities, as well as daily routines. Finding out I was a ritual abuse survivor hit me hard and people around me had no idea how to react. I went from always smiling and praying for others, to withdrawn and sad. I felt rejected by the people I once called friends at church. When I would reveal even a small amount of information about my discovery, my friends tried comforting me. Soon however, my friends began to ignore me, and I felt isolated and abandoned by what I once considered a family. As I continued my inner healing, I began learning about the complex inner system and the alternate identities that made it up. Huge strongholds of witchcraft and abuse from my past we’re being healed, helping to strengthen me. In these early stages of inner healing I was just learning what witchcraft and the effects of it were on my daily life, but soon I began to realize that the effects of witchcraft were not just at home, but at church as well. Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21 During the worship service at church, I began to feel dizzy, shaky and confused. During the sermon, I couldn’t focus and I felt very strongly that I was somehow being attacked. Week after week the feelings would wash over me until one day it dawned on me what I was feeling was witchcraft. I never thought nor expected that witchcraft could happen at a church. How could something that represented evil and the demonic be in church? These feelings of spiritual attack persisted for me and my husband until we finally had to quit attending church. I was devastated to know this attack was coming from this church because this church was my life and the people in it my family. I felt lost without it. After a break from church, we decided to try another church, assuming the problem was simply the occult connections at this particular church. The problem was, every church we tried and loved, we had to walk away from because the satanic influence in the church had become predominant . Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15 In church after church, I began to see worship leaders with black eyes who were demonically oppressed, pastors throwing up satanic hand signs, backgrounds projecting Illuminati symbolism, and active witches attending as Christians. I was being tormented by witchcraft and rituals each time, but I did not want to give up on the church. I felt it was my Christian duty to attend church, as well as my right to be able to have fellowship with like-minded believers. On one particular incident, we brought my son home from church and he was having a rage fit. I had no idea why, and his behavior scared me. As I was praying for him and praying for discernment I heard the Holy Spirit tell me that the church we we’re attending, which met at a local high school, was being affected by the spirit of Kali, from the yoga classes being held by the school. I had no idea this school did yoga, but an internet search quickly revealed yoga and meditation classes held in the same room my children were attending Sunday School. With the discernment from the Holy Spirit I knew how to pray, and soon my son was calm and back to his usual self. Beloved, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1 As my work in inner healing progressed, so did my discernment for witchcraft around me, as well as rituals and human spirits. The more discernment I got, the more I felt the influence of those things around me at every type of church function. Whether it was a worship service, Bible study, or conference, I was constantly overwhelmed by the effects of these things. I did not want to believe that a church could have a satanic influence over it. It is God’s Holy place, and it should not be infiltrated by the devil. But as I grew in my walk with the Lord, He kept pointing out to me the truth. Baphomet has built his throne within the Christian church, and established it as a part of his antichrist agenda. The final straw for me was going to a conference to hear a speaker my friend admired. The worship service began with a famous Disney song, and that was when I knew things were not right. As the worship progressed, I stood on the balcony looking down on the crowd, and what I saw greatly disturbed me. There was a mosh pit in one area, and people undulating to the music in other places. People were laying hands on each other and shaking and falling onto the ground. I had seen things like this before, but never thought of it as Satanic. As I was watching the scene unfold before me I saw a presence that looked like an angel of light descending from the stage into the crowd. His presence was so magnificent that I felt compelled to throw myself off of the balcony to be with him. I thought he was Jesus, but I had never had these kinds of feelings in the presence of Jesus. It was in that moment I realized, it was not Jesus, but in fact, Lucifer himself. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life to know I was in the presence of Lucifer, yet in God’s Holy place of worship. The crowd was worked up into a frenzy, not because of their love for Jesus, but because they were unknowingly worshiping Lucifer. Did this crowd of Christians realize they were actually in the midst of a satanic ritual for Lucifer? No, I do not believe they did. There could have been some influence of witches amongst the Christians, but Lucifer has worked his way into our lives in a way that we have been completely blinded too. We cannot see the ways the devil has thoroughly invaded our lives. He comes in through music, movies, social media, and worshipping these false idols and witchcraft, and these are all things that have infiltrated the church as well. We have given ourselves over to Satan in so many areas, we cannot even discern the difference between his influence and God’s anymore. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. 2 Thessalonians 2:7 We have fallen prey his schemes in our lives, because we have forgotten that he is the god of this earth. He has tantilized everything that appeals to our fleshly nature, disguising himself as an angel of light, and we welcome it. Satanism is a part of churches around the world and we refuse to believe it’s true because we are afraid to admit the truth. Pastors and church leaders are being equipped with mind control techniques in seminary, and they don’t even know it. With the level technology is at, it is used in multiple ways to program us and indoctrinate us into antichrist belief systems. Jesus knew these things were coming, and he even pointed them out in his letters to the churches in the Book of Revelation. Why are we surprised that the devil is in the church when the church openly celebrates Halloween, a night of Satanic human sacrifice? We are taking our children to church where they will be safe but teaching them that evil is good and fun on the most Satanic night of the year. It is such a perfect picture of what the church has become. We cannot continue to remain ignorant of these things in the church, unwittingly participating in its demise. We have to work diligently to seek the truth, otherwise, we will all perish from the lack of it. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. Hosea 4:6a We must first start in our own homes, and our own hearts, giving ourselves over to Jesus and asking him to begin to show us the false idol worship in our lives. I myself have had to come to Jesus many, many times to find out these truths. It has been incredibly painful for me because all I seek is to follow Jesus with all of my heart. I do not want to participate in false idol worship, or rituals or do witchcraft, but if I had not been willing to be humble and surrender to Jesus, I wouldn’t even know I ever was. If I did not know, I could never stop. I would have been stuck in the strongholds of the occult forever. We did not come here to live some perfect life of ease and content. We came here, as soldiers to fight. We are at war, and if we do not fight, the war will not cease, but consume us instead. The good news is, we do not have to fight alone. We have Jesus Christ as our Commander in Chief, leading His army of good soldiers. The devil may have his day now, but it will soon come to an end. Until then we must persevere through these trials with humility and submission to Jesus. He is going to lead us through the darkness and into the light, and be glorified by the testimonies of our lives. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Revelation 2:11





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