디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

해석 부탁드려용ㅠ

lena 2006.04.05 21:22:20
조회 42 추천 0 댓글 0

노래 가산데요^-^ 후사 하겠습니당ㅋ Everything he used to say to me Just words Like any other word to me It's over, been over a long time I tell myself it’s really better now this way See how we've gone our separate ways It's over, been over a long time My friends believe that I'm fine Because on the outside I laugh and I say that I know I'll never show the doubts the shadows hide cuz sometimes somewhere inside my confidence slide, oh Love, you didn’t save me cuz I'm still wandering inside of fallen memories For all the truth in the smiles that he gave to me All those hundreds of miles that he drove for me For all the letters and songs still stuck in my head The midnight oil couldn’t burn long enough for me guess love just wasn't enough, and faith wasn't free We were just out of reach I can't remember the emotion that had once run through me like adrenaline It's calmer now, I’ve learned to take my times But why does life seem like an epilogue at times I want the here and now to count Start over, to start over again you all believe that I'm fine because on the outside I laugh and I say that I know I'll never show the doubts the shadows hide cuz sometimes somewhere inside my confidence slide oh Love, send me an answer cuz I'm still trying to break free of fallen memories the way he held me so tight, I felt so secure The strongest wind could blow by and I would endure He taught me how to stand tall, I could see everything But now I just feel exposed, feel unprepared There are no open roads for me anywhere escape just for out of reach for all the truth in the smiles that he gave to me All those hundreds of miles that he drove for me For all the letters and songs still stuck my head The midnight oil couldn't burn long enough for me guess love just wasn't enough, and faith wasn't free A past now out of reach

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2575 형들 이거 독해 맞나 봐봐 [2] ㅇㅇ 06.04.08 103 0
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2557 도움좀 ;;;;ㅠㅠ [6] 신규글쓰기 06.04.07 100 0
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2553 필리핀 연수계획 봐주세요 [3] 324 06.04.07 274 0
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2547 이 문장 틀린 곳 찾아주세요 [6] 웻하하 06.04.07 118 0
2546 해석 직역으로요^^ 부탁 [5] 영어맨 06.04.07 114 0
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2544 이문장 번역좀 부탁합니다 ㅜㅜ [3] 김종 06.04.07 116 0
2543 3줄만 영작 부탁 드립니다. [2] 닐리리맘보 06.04.07 106 0
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