디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

영어 해석좀 해주세요

DC 2006.04.28 09:57:18
조회 184 추천 0 댓글 4

1. Aside from the global-warming debate - which makes us wonder if every record high or rogue storm is our fault - the weather is no different... but we are. 2.The more thime we spend swaddled in climate-controlled homes and technology-dominated offices, his theory goes, the more we're mystified by the one fore that can still cancel out softball games, delay our airplanes or even turn homes into rebble. 3. Ferrell takes watching to an extreme. So as not to miss a moment, he has at least four vidieo cameras rolling at his house, which broadcast live on the Internet. 4. These days, many weather men are bona fide scientists - sometimes meteorologists with fancy degrees - who use multicolored images from weather satellites and Doppler radar to show us up-to-hour and as long as 10days ahead, largely because forecasts are generated by supercomputers so powerful that it would take 5000years on a calculator to crunch the numbers they can compute in one second. 5. Weather watching is now a technological experience, with a wealth of information available. "It's like the weater isn't what's outside anymore. 6.Storms give The Weather Cannel such good ratings - their broadcast of Hurricane Floyd's ravaging the East Coast to the tune of $6 billion in 1999 attracted more than two million households in prime time-that soon the channel will broadcast "Storm Stories," dramatic documentarie, every night at eight. The "weather engaed" are delighted, especially since the show;s preemprible if there's severe weater. After all, nothing capativates more than footage of a famous big, bad storm except one that's right on the horizon.

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번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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