디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

제가 쓴 엣세이 수정 좀 부탁드립니다.(_ _)

LaTourCN 2006.02.11 15:45:24
조회 172 추천 0 댓글 7

This is something like memoirs of my history(?) about Japan.   When I was in high school age, I was very interested in Japanese language and culture. In reality, I didn't like that much about Japan like usual Korean people, But the second foreign language that I selected in high school have changed my whole mind.   Actually, I wanted to take Chnese language as a second foreign language because of the vision(the bright outlook) of future. But there were only two languages of German and Japanese that I can take in my school.   As many people in this gellary know, Japanese(nihongo) is really interasting and easy language for many Koreans, and it was for me, too. I had studied Japanese hard during the class and also at my home. And from someday(Sorry about the Konglish;), I wanted to know more about Japan...It was the beginning of all my story that have been continueing.   Japan was really interesting country , and the country was just like a place I dreamed to live in. Let me explain about it. They hardly throw away garbage on the street,  Keep order, no spitting on the road, advanced infrastructure, high technology of architecture (because I'm interested in architecture too), etc. The Japanese entertainment is interesting one; however, it is not a major reason for me.   And after I graduated high school, I kept studying Japanese and read many books about Japan, and finally, I wanted to visit Japan in person because I wanted to check with my eyes , ears, and mouth if it was true or not. When it comes to my trip to Tokyo, Japan for 5 days, It was incredablly nice.... Everybody was kind to me, and everything was more better than I expected. (I know the two sentance that I wrote is too short to understand my trip there.) I have never thought that that great country was just beside to Korea. In the view of architecture, almost every infrastructure is high-leveled(more advanced) ,futuristic, and modern including high-rise buildings that I wanted to study in University. And you know what? I had felt an short earthquake of M4.0 from Chiba where is near by my hotel in Shinjuku. I don't know if you believe what I felt but, it was really cool. I have never felt such a big earthquake before. Everything was just moved according to plans of earthquake-proof , and nothing was happned to the next day. When I was checking out in the moring, I could hear いってらっしゃい(It means, have fun wih your trip and I hope to see you again with no bad things) from a woman who was in the hotel desk.   I saw a series of books named 日本が中国に何をしたの(It means, What did our country to China) 日本が韓国に何をしたの(What(kind of bad things) did our country(Japan) to(against) Korea) at a book store named BOOK FIRST in Shibuya. I had a sit and read the whole story on the book, and I felt some mixed and complicated things. In terms of the historical facts on the book, it was just same as what I studied with my reference book in Korea.   Lastely, on my way back to Korea, the night landscape from the air plane around Tokyo was really beautiful...It just made me speechless. It was like that thousands of jewels are glittering on the endless city. I will never forget the scene.       And I met some friendly and kind Japanese people after that. (Actually, there were not that many chances to meet Japanese people who are ,of course, foreigners)       That's it. If you want to know why are you ILLPPA(I'm not that kind of ILPPA on the internet though), I will say that made me like that. I know the history between Korean and Japan. I'm so sorry about saying like this but, in reality, my family , my relatives including grand father and mother, and  I got any disadvantages from Japan directly, so there is no reason to hate them for me. Frankly speaking, my grandmother's name is 英子(yongja) that is pronounced in Japanese "Eiko"(at first time, I was a little surprised about it)   I think that you won't feel good about Japanese, if you want to contect them on the internet web site; As you know, it's same as the Korean web sites.         Thank you for reading my story.   And, please correct the mistakes and let me know why. Thanks

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