디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

complementizer 아니라는데 뭔 소리냐모바일에서 작성

영갤러(211.234) 2024.11.12 12:28:05
조회 162 추천 2 댓글 1


접속사 that, whether, if가 complementizer임

ChatGPT 답변
In the sentence "The whole three of them were pretty ugly, and they all had on the kind of hats that you knew they didn't really live in New York," the word "that" is not a complementizer. Instead, it functions as a relative pronoun.
Here’s why:
Complementizer Role: A complementizer introduces a complement clause, which serves as the subject or object of another clause, as in "I think that he is coming." In this case, "that" introduces a clause that complements the verb "think."
Relative Pronoun Role in This Sentence: In your sentence, "that" introduces a relative clause ("that you knew they didn't really live in New York") that provides additional information about "the kind of hats." Here, "that" functions to connect the noun "hats" with the deive clause, making it a relative pronoun rather than a complementizer.

In short, "that" in this sentence is a relative pronoun, not a complementizer.

그리고 관계대명사절은 adjective cluase인거지 그게 어떻게 complementary clause가 되냐?

Complementizer라서 관계대명사라는 건 애초에 말도 안되는 소리임.

A clause led by a relative pronoun is typically called a relative clause or an adjective clause, not a complementary clause.

Here’s the difference:

1. Adjective Clause (Relative Clause): A clause led by a relative pronoun (such as "who," "whom," "whose," "which," or "that") functions as an adjective clause. It modifies a noun or pronoun by providing more information about it. For example:

"The book that I read was fascinating."

Here, "that I read" is an adjective clause modifying "book."

2. Complementary Clause: A complementary clause, introduced by a complementizer like "that," "if," or "whether," serves as the subject or object of a verb, noun, or adjective. For example:

"I believe that he is coming."

In this case, "that he is coming" is a complement clause acting as the object of the verb "believe."

So, when a relative pronoun introduces a clause, it’s generally functioning as an adjective clause (or relative clause) that describes or modifies a noun rather than as a complementary clause.

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