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마이크칸 아저씨의 슈팅가드 랭킹(이 아저씨의 생각임)

P&G 2005.08.28 05:38:29
조회 317 추천 0 댓글 4

http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/4806088 1. Dwyane Wade, Miami Heat Ht./Wt. 6-4, 210 Numbers: 24.1 pts., 5.2 reb., 6.8 ast. Wade became the "It Player" during last year's playoffs. Strong, smooth and extraordinarily gifted, his best quality might just be his humility. And when you consider that he is just entering his third season ... it just puts everything in perspective. The fifth player taken in the special 2003 draft — after LeBron James, Darko Milicic, Carmelo Anthony and Chris Bosh — may indeed end up being the best of all. 2. Ray Allen, Seattle SuperSonics Ht./Wt. 6-5, 205 Numbers: 23.9 pts., 4.4 reb., 3.7 ast. Just when everybody thought the Sonics were headed to the cellar for good and Allen along with them, he gathered the troops and not only explained, but showed them how to win. He became an upper-crust superstar for good during the playoffs with a slew of extra-terrestrial performances against the Kings and Spurs that exceeded expectations even for Allen. 3. Kobe Bryant, LA Lakers Ht./Wt. 6-6, 220 Numbers: 27.6 pts., 5.9 reb., 6.0 ast. He's still the best package of talent, with the size, strength, quickness, defense and offensive skills. But there is so much resentment and disdain for his selfishness that he has to overcome that it tends to supersede his wondrous gifts. And it is amazingly ironic that Phil Jackson would return to coach after a one-year hiatus to help him prove otherwise. 4. Tracy McGrady, Houston Rockets Ht./Wt. 6-8, 210 Numbers: 25.7 pts., 6.2 reb., 5.7 ast. T-Mac appeared to do everything humanly possible in the first round of last year's playoffs against Dallas, and still couldn't prevent the Rockets from blowing a 2-0 lead coming home. It's too easy to point the finger at the irrefutable fact that he has never gotten out of the first round, but it's also why he's ranked no better than fourth. 5. Vince Carter, New Jersey Nets Ht./Wt. 6-6, 220 Numbers: 24.5 pts., 5.2 reb., 4.2 ast. There is still Vinsanity to reckon with, but the difference is in the definition. No longer is his talent what keeps fans in awe, but the contradiction of his great play to his frequent disappearing acts. He was outstanding down the stretch last season to get the Nets into the playoffs. Now in Year Two we'll find out how deep his commitment is. Plenty of people still need to be convinced. 6. Manu Ginobili, San Antonio Spurs Ht./Wt. 6-6, 210 Numbers: 16.0 pts., 4.4 reb., 3.9 ast. Many insiders watching the seven-game win over the Pistons believed it was Ginobili, not Tim Duncan, who should have been the MVP of the finals, and that it was backlash to commissioner David Stern's globalization theme that skewed voting from the writers. Whatever the case, Ginobili now is a legitimate All-Star in every phase of the game and getting better, regardless of whether he was raised in Argentina or Brooklyn. 7. Steve Francis, Orlando Magic Ht./Wt. 6-3, 205 Numbers: 21.3 pts., 5.8 reb., 7.0 ast. Stevie Franchise had hoped for bigger and better things with the Magic last season, only to suffer another disappointing trip into the lottery. He is not a point guard, nor a shooting guard. He is a guard, with exceptional talent, who just dribbles way, way, too much. Somebody else will play point, so he is a two, and we'll see if new coach Brian Hill can help him gain some consistency. 8. Michael Redd, Milwaukee Bucks Ht./Wt. 6-6, 215 Numbers: 23.0 pts., 4.2 reb., 2.3 ast. He has moved into the "elite player" category contract-wise and without question shooting-wise. But can he rise to the level of a player who helps his team win? The Bucks were a major disappointment last season and have added two key players in Andrew Bogut and Bobby Simmons, and new coach Terry Stotts. Now Redd has to prove he deserves the money and plaudits by leading them to the playoffs. 9. Richard Hamilton, Detroit Pistons Ht./Wt. 6-7, 195 Numbers: 18.7 pts., 3.9 reb., 4.9 ast. Rip's all-around improvement defensively and passing the ball have been vastly overlooked in the wake of the Pistons' back-to-back Eastern Conference titles. He remains one of the top two or three mid-range shooters in the game and is getting better all the time at setting up his teammates as well. Just because he's skinny, doesn't mean he can't play. He's potentially Reggie Miller with less range. 10. Joe Johnson, Atlanta Hawks Ht./Wt. 6-7, 230 Numbers: 17.1 pts., 5.1 reb., 3.5 ast. It's hard to figure what will happen to this marvelously talented 24-year-old now that he's going to the Hawks. A natural shooting guard, maybe he becomes a point guard, maybe a small forward. Whatever the case, he's the only other player who has the complete game on both ends of the floor and shooting touch to rival Bryant. The difference is, he may be too nice of a guy. 웨이드가 1위할거라고는 예상조차 못했눼..

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