디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

ESPN 인사이더 - 서부 랭킹

랭킹 2005.08.31 16:29:52
조회 283 추천 0 댓글 7

1. SA Major additions: Nick Van Exel, Fabricio Oberto Major subtractions: None 2. SAC Major additions: Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Bonzi Wells, Jason Hart Major subtractions: Cuttino Mobley, Bobby Jackson, Greg Ostertag The skinny: It looks like the window never closes completely in Sacramento. Just when it looked like time to write off the Kings for good, GM Geoff Petrie had a stellar summer and the Kings suddenly look very formidable again. Their starting five (Mike Bibby, Peja Stojakovic, Brad Miller, Abdur-Rahim and Wells) is terrific. And for the first time in several years, they have a very solid bench, with Kenny Thomas, Corliss Williamson and Brian Skinner anchoring up front and Hart in the backcourt. If either second-year guard Kevin Martin or rookie Francisco Garcia step up, the Kings will have the ammunition to give the Spurs a run. 3. PHX Major additions: Kurt Thomas, Raja Bell, Boris Diaw, Brian Grant Major subtractions: Joe Johnson, Quentin Richardson, Nate Robinson, Steven Hunter The skinny: The Suns literally ran away with the West last season, but major changes threaten to end some of the fun. Losing Johnson was an especially tough blow. Not only was he the team's best 3-point shooter, but he was also the primary backup at the point for Steve Nash. Thomas, Bell, Diaw and Grant all add defensive toughness, something the Suns sorely lacked last season. But to get it, you've got to wonder if the Suns traded away the critical elements that made them special last year. I doubt they'll be nearly as good (or entertaining) during the regular season. But if the toughness pays off in the playoffs, GM Bryan Colangelo doesn't care. 4. HOU Major additions: Stromile Swift, Derek Anderson, Luther Head Major subtractions: Clarence Weatherspoon The skinny: Jeff Van Gundy has been complaining about his backcourt ever since he got to Houston and now he has eight players to hold up the ship. Anderson and Head are the two most important new additions at guard, but the impact might pale in comparison to the big athletic guy they got to play alongside Yao Ming. Swift has been an enigma his entire career -- superstar talent, subpar work ethic. If Van Gundy can get consistent effort out of him (remember, two pretty good coaches, Hubie Brown and Mike Fratello, couldn't), the Rockets could be poised to take a major step forward in the West. But even at half-speed, Swift remains a significant shot blocking and rebounding force in the middle. 5. DEN 6. GSW 7. DAL 8. SEA 9. MIN 10. LAC 11. LAL 12. UTAH 13. MEM 14. POR 15. NO

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