디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

영어 모의고사 만들어 봄

ㅇㅇ(39.115) 2024.09.30 16:55:30
조회 55 추천 0 댓글 0

18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?


The South Korean education system has created an environment where students are pushed to their limits in the pursuit of academic excellence. Sarah, a high school student, was once a vibrant, creative individual who loved exploring new ideas and engaging in discussions. However, as she entered high school, her passion for learning slowly disappeared. The focus of her education shifted entirely to memorizing facts and formulas for standardized tests. Her teachers, overwhelmed by large class sizes and administrative duties, had little time to encourage critical thinking or creativity. With the increasing pressure to perform well in exams, Sarah's family enrolled her in multiple hagwon programs to boost her chances of getting into a prestigious university. The result was a loss of enthusiasm for learning, as Sarah now saw education as nothing more than a series of hurdles to overcome, rather than an opportunity for intellectual growth.

① 학생들에게 창의력을 키우는 방법을 소개하려고

② 사교육이 학생들의 창의성을 억압하는 문제를 논의하려고

③ 학업 성취도 향상을 위한 사교육의 필요성을 설명하려고

④ 학부모들에게 자녀 교육 방법을 조언하려고

⑤ 고등학생의 학습 동기를 높이는 방안을 제안하려고

19. 다음 글에 드러난 David의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?


David had always been a strong student, excelling in mathematics and science. As he entered high school, his parents decided to enroll him in an elite private tutoring program to ensure he would maintain his competitive edge. At first, David felt confident and motivated, eager to prove himself among his peers. However, as the tutoring sessions became more intense and his free time dwindled, David started to feel the weight of the expectations placed upon him. The enjoyment he once found in solving complex problems was replaced by a constant sense of anxiety. His grades remained high, but the stress was overwhelming. Eventually, David realized that no matter how well he performed, it was never enough. The system demanded perfection, and he began to question whether he could keep up with the pressure.

① confident → anxious

② excited → disillusioned

③ nervous → relieved

④ indifferent → motivated

⑤ hopeful → hopeless

20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?


In South Korea, the education system is heavily reliant on standardized testing as a measure of student success. While this method of evaluation may seem efficient, it undermines the development of critical thinking and creativity, which are essential skills for success in the modern world. Students are trained to memorize vast amounts of information, but they rarely have the opportunity to apply that knowledge in meaningful ways. This focus on rote learning creates a narrow definition of intelligence, one that values test scores over problem-solving abilities and innovation. Moreover, the system places an enormous amount of pressure on students, leading to high levels of stress and burnout. To create a more balanced and effective education system, we must shift our focus away from standardized testing and toward fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity in our students.

① 표준화된 시험만으로 학생의 성공을 평가하는 것은 부적절하다.

② 시험 준비를 돕기 위한 추가 학습 자료의 개발이 시급하다.

③ 학생의 창의성을 키우기 위해 사교육의 역할을 강화해야 한다.

④ 교사들이 창의적 사고를 가르칠 수 있도록 더 많은 자원을 제공해야 한다.

⑤ 협력적 학습을 강화하는 것이 학업 성취도를 높이는 유일한 방법이다.

21. 밑줄 친 a nonstick frying pan이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]


In South Korea’s education system, students are expected to absorb vast amounts of information without questioning its relevance or applying it to real-world problems. This rigid system can lead to overwhelming stress, as students are narrowly focused on excelling in standardized tests. Those who are unable to cope with the pressure are often viewed as failures, further exacerbating their stress. However, students who manage to broaden their perspective—seeing education as more than just a race for test scores—are better able to navigate the system without becoming emotionally attached to the stressors. Like a nonstick frying pan, they are able to handle the heat without letting the challenges stick to them. This mindset allows them to move through the system without being dragged down by its flaws.

밑줄: a nonstick frying pan

① never being confronted with any stressful experiences in daily life

② broadening one’s perspective to identify the cause of stress

③ rarely confining one’s attention to positive aspects of an experience

④ having a larger view of an experience beyond its stressful aspects

⑤ taking stress into account as the source of developing a wide view

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?


As South Korea's education system becomes increasingly competitive, parents have turned to private education as a way to ensure their children’s success. Families invest heavily in hagwon (private academies), hoping that additional tutoring will give their children an edge in exams. However, this growing reliance on private education highlights the shortcomings of public schools. Public school teachers, overburdened with large class sizes and administrative duties, struggle to provide the individual attention students need. As a result, wealthier students who can afford private education continue to pull ahead, while those who rely solely on public schooling are left behind. The gap between the two groups is widening, and with it, the societal divide between the rich and poor.

① 사교육 의존으로 인해 교육 격차가 커지고 있다.

② 공교육이 학생들의 개별적 학습 요구를 충족하지 못하고 있다.

③ 부모들이 사교육을 선택하는 것이 자녀 성공의 필수적인 요소가 되고 있다.

④ 공교육과 사교육 간의 경쟁 구도가 형성되고 있다.

⑤ 학부모의 사교육 투자로 인해 공교육의 필요성이 감소하고 있다.

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?


In South Korea, the pressure to perform well on college entrance exams is immense. Many students spend years attending hagwon after school, sacrificing their social lives and even their mental health for the sake of achieving high scores. This intense focus on academic achievement is driven by a belief that getting into a top university guarantees future success. However, this approach to education has its drawbacks. While students may excel in rote memorization and test-taking skills, they often lack critical thinking abilities and creativity. The system prioritizes short-term success over long-term development, producing graduates who are unprepared for the complexities of the modern workforce. As global economies evolve, South Korea must reconsider whether its current education system is truly preparing its students for future challenges.

① South Korea's education system places too much emphasis on standardized testing.

② The current education system does not adequately prepare students for real-world challenges.

③ Students in South Korea face overwhelming pressure to succeed academically.

④ Private education is seen as a necessity for academic success in South Korea.

⑤ Educational reforms are needed to foster creativity and critical thinking in students.

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]


Jenny had always been a curious student, eager to explore new ideas and ask thought-provoking questions. However, as she progressed through the South Korean education system, her curiosity was slowly stifled by the rigid, test-driven environment. Every year, the focus shifted more toward rote memorization and standardized testing, leaving little room for creativity or independent thought. Her teachers, burdened by large class sizes and administrative duties, had no time to foster critical thinking or intellectual exploration. Jenny realized that the system valued only one thing: test scores. As a result, she felt trapped, unable to express her true potential in a system that rewarded conformity over innovation. Despite her love for learning, she found herself losing interest in education altogether.

① The Decline of Creativity in South Korean Classrooms

② How Standardized Testing Hurts Students’ Motivation

③ The Role of Teachers in Encouraging Independent Thought

④ Why Test-Driven Education Fails to Produce Critical Thinkers

⑤ The Pressure to Succeed in a Competitive Education System

25. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?


The increasing reliance on private education in South Korea has led to significant disparities in academic achievement. According to a recent study, students who attend private academies, or hagwon, perform significantly better on standardized tests than those who rely solely on public education. The study also revealed that the gap between the highest and lowest-performing students has widened over the past decade, with wealthier families able to invest more in their children’s education. The pressure to succeed academically has driven many families to spend large portions of their income on private tutoring, further contributing to the growing inequality. In contrast, students from lower-income families, who cannot afford private education, are falling behind, exacerbating the existing educational divide.

① 사교육에 의존하는 학생들이 공교육만 받는 학생들보다 더 높은 성적을 보인다.

② 사교육에 대한 의존이 교육 격차를 확대시키고 있다.

③ 저소득 가정의 학생들은 사교육을 받지 못해 학업 성취도가 낮다.

④ 사교육에 투자하는 비용이 점점 감소하고 있다.

⑤ 교육 불평등이 지난 10년간 더욱 심화되었다.

아래는 한국 교육 비판을 주제로 하여 요청하신 24, 25, 26번 문제와 지문을 작성한 내용입니다. 각 문제는 이야기 형식을 활용하면서 비판적인 내용을 담고 있으며, 요청하신 대로 영어 지문과 한국어 문제 및 선지를 제공하였습니다.

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]


Jenny had always been a curious student, eager to explore new ideas and ask thought-provoking questions. However, as she progressed through the South Korean education system, her curiosity was slowly stifled by the rigid, test-driven environment. Every year, the focus shifted more toward rote memorization and standardized testing, leaving little room for creativity or independent thought. Her teachers, burdened by large class sizes and administrative duties, had no time to foster critical thinking or intellectual exploration. Jenny realized that the system valued only one thing: test scores. As a result, she felt trapped, unable to express her true potential in a system that rewarded conformity over innovation. Despite her love for learning, she found herself losing interest in education altogether.

① The Decline of Creativity in South Korean Classrooms

② How Standardized Testing Hurts Students’ Motivation

③ The Role of Teachers in Encouraging Independent Thought

④ Why Test-Driven Education Fails to Produce Critical Thinkers

⑤ The Pressure to Succeed in a Competitive Education System

정답: ② How Standardized Testing Hurts Students’ Motivation

25. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?


The increasing reliance on private education in South Korea has led to significant disparities in academic achievement. According to a recent study, students who attend private academies, or hagwon, perform significantly better on standardized tests than those who rely solely on public education. The study also revealed that the gap between the highest and lowest-performing students has widened over the past decade, with wealthier families able to invest more in their children’s education. The pressure to succeed academically has driven many families to spend large portions of their income on private tutoring, further contributing to the growing inequality. In contrast, students from lower-income families, who cannot afford private education, are falling behind, exacerbating the existing educational divide.

① 사교육에 의존하는 학생들이 공교육만 받는 학생들보다 더 높은 성적을 보인다.

② 사교육에 대한 의존이 교육 격차를 확대시키고 있다.

③ 저소득 가정의 학생들은 사교육을 받지 못해 학업 성취도가 낮다.

④ 사교육에 투자하는 비용이 점점 감소하고 있다.

⑤ 교육 불평등이 지난 10년간 더욱 심화되었다.

정답: ④ 사교육에 투자하는 비용이 점점 감소하고 있다.

26. Charles H. Townes에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?


In the South Korean education system, students are often taught to view their future through a narrow lens of academic success. Much like Charles H. Townes, who revolutionized science with his invention of the laser, students are expected to focus on a single goal: achieving high test scores. However, unlike Townes, who thrived on curiosity and innovation, many South Korean students find themselves constrained by a rigid curriculum that leaves little room for creativity. The relentless focus on exams, without the opportunity to explore broader interests, stifles intellectual growth. As a result, students are left feeling unfulfilled, even as they achieve academic success.

① 학생들은 시험 성적에만 집중해야 한다는 압박을 느낀다.

② 창의성과 호기심을 발휘할 기회가 제한되어 있다.

③ 시험 성적이 교육의 유일한 목표로 여겨진다.

④ 시험 준비 외의 활동은 덜 중요하게 여겨진다.

⑤ 학생들은 학업 성취에도 불구하고 만족감을 느낀다.

27. Turtle Island Boat Tour에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?


In South Korea, the pressure to excel in academics has led to a culture where students are constantly juggling between schoolwork and private tutoring sessions. Over summer vacation, many students find themselves enrolled in intensive study programs instead of enjoying time to relax or explore hobbies. While some parents believe this is necessary to stay ahead, it leaves little room for personal development or family bonding. One family, desperate to spend quality time together, decided to book a trip to Turtle Island. They hoped the scenic boat tour and snorkeling would provide much-needed respite from the relentless academic grind. However, their plans were cut short when they realized that the tour required advance booking and did not allow same-day reservations. As the student sighed in disappointment, they knew their time would soon be filled with more textbooks and practice exams instead of the peaceful island getaway they had envisioned.

① 주말에는 하루에 두 번 운영된다.

② 17세 이상만 참가할 수 있다.

③ 당일 예약이 가능하다.

④ 출발 시간 이후에는 환불이 불가능하다.

⑤ 전문 다이버와 함께 하는 스노클링 활동이 있다.

28. 2023 Eastland High School Video Clip Contest에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?


Jisoo had always dreamed of becoming a filmmaker, but in South Korea’s highly competitive academic environment, there seemed to be little room for creative pursuits. Her teachers emphasized the importance of focusing on test scores, and her parents insisted that extracurricular activities like film were distractions from what really mattered—getting into a top university. Despite the pressure, Jisoo found solace in her school’s annual video contest, where students were encouraged to express themselves through short films. The theme this year was “Joyful Moments in Our Growing Community,” and she poured her heart into creating a three-minute clip capturing the fleeting joys of childhood. Although she knew the contest would not impact her academic future, it was the one chance she had to share her passion for storytelling with others.

① 출품작의 주제가 정해져 있지 않다.

② 한 달 동안 동영상을 접수할 예정이다.

③ 출품할 동영상의 길이는 3분을 초과할 수 없다.

④ 출품작은 학생 1인당 두 개로 제한된다.

⑤ 학생회가 수상자를 선정할 것이다.

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

A number of studies provide substantial evidence of an innate human disposition to respond differentially to social stimuli. From birth, infants will orient preferentially towards the human face and voice, ① seeming to know that such stimuli are particularly meaningful for them. Moreover, they regist1er this connection actively, imitating a variety of facial gestures that are presented to them ― tongue protrusions, lip tightenings, mouth openings. They will even try to match gestures ② which they have some difficulty, experimenting with their own faces until they succeed. When they ③ do succeed, they show pleasure by a brightening of their eyes; when they fail, they show distress. In other words, they not only have an innate capacity for matching their own kinaesthetically experienced bodily movements with ④ those of others that are visually perceived; they have an innate drive to do so. That is, they seem to have an innate drive to imitate others whom they judge ⑤ to be ‘like me’.

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [3점]


In South Korea, the intense focus on academic achievement has created a market for private education, much like a bazaar economy. The value of education, like products in a bazaar, is negotiated between parents, schools, and private tutoring centers. Both parents and tutors are acutely aware of each other’s ① restrictions, such as financial limitations and the high stakes of academic success. Parents, especially those from lower-income backgrounds, can ② assess the pressure they face to provide their children with opportunities that align with societal expectations. For example, many parents believe that private tutoring for college entrance exams is a ③ necessity rather than a luxury. However, not all families can afford this, which creates an uneven playing field. Private academies are careful not to offer overly ④ low prices for their services, knowing that parents see education as an investment. This marketplace for education creates a system where access to success is dictated by ⑤ similar cultural and economic factors, reinforcing inequality.

① restrictions

② assess

③ necessity

④ low

⑤ similar

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


Over the years, the South Korean education system has focused on standardizing the way students read and interpret texts, particularly for exams. While this approach was initially intended to streamline education, it has inadvertently limited students' ability to engage with diverse forms of representation. As education becomes increasingly digital, students must navigate a wide variety of texts, from visual images to interactive digital interfaces. Just as children learn from picture books where words and illustrations complement each other, modern students encounter a world where knowledge is presented through multimedia. Reading, therefore, is not simply __________. In this modern context, students must learn to interpret the complexities of multimodal texts, where meaning is often conveyed through images, sound, and interactivity. This requires a more nuanced understanding than simply decoding words.

① word recognition

② imaginative play

③ knowledge acquisition

④ image mapping

⑤ subjective interpretation

32. A musical score within any film can add an additional layer to the film text, which goes beyond simply imitating the action viewed. In films that tell of futuristic worlds, composers, much like sound designers, have added freedom to create a world that is unknown and new to the viewer. However, unlike sound designers, composers often shy away from creating unique pieces that reflect these new worlds and often present musical scores that possess familiar structures and cadences. While it is possible that this may interfere with creativity and a sense of space and time, it in fact __________. Through recognizable scores, visions of the future or a galaxy far, far away can be placed within a recognizable context. Such familiarity allows the viewer to be placed in a comfortable space so that the film may then lead the viewer to what is an unfamiliar, but acceptable vision of a world different from their own.

① frees the plot of its familiarity

② aids in viewer access to the film

③ adds to an exotic musical experience

④ orients audiences to the film’s theme

⑤ inspires viewers to think more deeply

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


South Korea's education system, much like the paintings of Charles Le Brun, portrays students as mere faces, devoid of context or individuality. Just as Le Brun’s faces lack the social and emotional background that would give them meaning, South Korean students are reduced to numbers and rankings in a system that prioritizes test scores over holistic development. What is striking about the faces Le Brun drew is that ________________. In the same way, students in South Korea are assessed solely on their academic performance, without consideration of their personal circumstances, emotional well-being, or creative potential. This dehumanizing approach to education overlooks the complex realities of students' lives, treating them as faceless participants in a race for academic success.

① all of them could be matched consistently with their intended emotions

② every one of them was illustrated with photographic precision

③ each of them definitively displayed its own social narrative

④ most of them would be seen as representing unique characteristics

⑤ any number of them could be substituted for one another without loss

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


In South Korea, education is often viewed as a one-size-fits-all solution, much like how people view transportation systems in their city. Just as commuters believe they know the best routes or modes of transport, parents and students think they understand the path to academic success—top grades, prestigious schools, and high-paying jobs. And how they view the education system _____________. Parents, teachers, and students often argue about the effectiveness of various teaching methods or the role of private education, but the debates rarely consider the individual needs of students. These debates are not driven by data or careful planning; rather, they are shaped by emotional assumptions about what will lead to success. For many, the fear of falling behind or missing out fuels their decision to invest heavily in private education, even if it means sacrificing personal growth or well-being.

① relies heavily on how others see her city’s streets

② updates itself with each new public transit policy

③ arises independently of the streets she travels on

④ tracks pretty closely with how she gets around

⑤ ties firmly in with how her city operates

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?


In South Korea, students are often encouraged to study quickly and efficiently, focusing on memorizing information rather than deeply understanding it. Speaking fast is a high-risk proposition. It’s nearly impossible to maintain the ideal conditions to be persuasive, well-spoken, and effective when the mouth is traveling well over the speed limit. ① Although we’d like to think that our minds are sharp enough to always make good decisions with the greatest efficiency, they just aren’t. ② In reality, the brain arrives at an intersection of four or five possible things to say and sits idling for a couple of seconds, considering the options. ③ Making a good decision helps you speak faster because it provides you with more time to come up with your responses. ④ When the brain stops sending navigational instructions back to the mouth and the mouth is moving too fast to pause, that’s when you get a verbal fender bender, otherwise known as filler. ⑤ Um, ah, you know, and like are what your mouth does when it has nowhere to go. The pressure to perform quickly in school creates a similar problem. Students may learn to recall information fast, but they often lack the time to think critically or form meaningful insights.

36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


In South Korea, negotiations between parents and schools about the best approach to education are often heated. Negotiation can be defined as an attempt to explore and reconcile conflicting positions in order to reach an acceptable outcome.

(A) Areas of difference can and do frequently remain, and will perhaps be the subject of future negotiations, or indeed remain irreconcilable. In those instances in which the parties have highly antagonistic or polarized relations, the process is likely to be dominated by the exposition, very often in public, of the areas of conflict.

(B) In these and sometimes other forms of negotiation, negotiation serves functions other than reconciling conflicting interests. These will include delay, publicity, diverting attention, or seeking intelligence about the other party and its negotiating position.

(C) Whatever the nature of the outcome, which may actually favor one party more than another, the purpose of negotiation is the identification of areas of common interest and conflict. In this sense, depending on the intentions of the parties, the areas of common interest may be clarified, refined, and given negotiated form and substance.

① (A) - (B) - (C)

② (B) - (C) - (A)

③ (A) - (C) - (B)

④ (B) - (A) - (C)

⑤ (C) - (A) - (B)

37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


In South Korea's education system, students conform to the norms set by society, often without questioning whether those norms serve their best interests. Norms emerge in groups as a result of people conforming to the behavior of others. Thus, the start of a norm occurs when one person acts in a particular manner in a particular situation because she thinks she ought to.

(A) Thus, she may prescribe the behavior to them by uttering the norm statement in a prescriptive manner. Alternatively, she may communicate that conformity is desired in other ways, such as by gesturing. In addition, she may threaten to sanction them for not behaving as she wishes. This will cause some to conform to her wishes and act as she acts.

(B) But some others will not need to have the behavior prescribed to them. They will observe the regularity of behavior and decide on their own that they ought to conform. They may do so for either rational or moral reasons.

(C) Others may then conform to this behavior for a number of reasons. The person who performed the initial action may think that others ought to behave as she behaves in situations of this sort.

① (A) - (B) - (C)

② (B) - (A) - (C)

③ (C) - (A) - (B)

④ (B) - (C) - (A)

⑤ (A) - (C) - (B)

38. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

주어진 문장: Yes, some contests are seen as world class, such as identification of the Higgs particle or the development of high temperature superconductors.


In South Korea, education is often seen as a "winner-takes-all" contest, where success is measured solely by entrance into prestigious universities. Science is sometimes described as a winner-take-all contest, meaning that there are no rewards for being second or third. This perspective mirrors the extreme competitiveness ingrained in the South Korean education system, where students are often taught that only being at the top matters. ( ① ) Even those who describe the system in such a way note that it is a somewhat inaccurate description, given that the process of learning and personal growth also hold intrinsic value. ( ② ) It is also inaccurate to the extent that it suggests that only a few students can succeed, when in reality, there are many pathways to success beyond traditional academic achievements. ( ③ ) But many other students find success in different fields, and the number of such alternative success stories may be increasing. ( ④ ) For example, in the realm of technology and startups, students who may not have excelled in standardized tests are proving their potential through innovation and entrepreneurship.

39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

주어진 문장: At the next step in the argument, however, the analogy breaks down.


In South Korea, the education system often operates like a rigid machine, where even minor mistakes or deviations can have significant consequences for a student’s future. Misprints in a book or in any written message usually have a negative impact on the content, sometimes (literally) fatally. ( ① ) The displacement of a comma, for instance, may be a matter of life and death. ( ② ) Similarly, most mutations have harmful consequences for the organism in which they occur, meaning that they reduce its reproductive fitness. ( ③ ) Occasionally, however, a mutation may occur that increases the fitness of the organism, just as an accidental failure to reproduce the text of the first edition might provide more accurate or updated information. ( ④ ) A favorable mutation is going to be more heavily represented in the next generation, since the organism in which it occurred will have more offspring, and mutations are transmitted to the offspring. ( ⑤ ) By contrast, there is no mechanism by which a book that accidentally corrects the mistakes of the first edition will tend to sell better.

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


In South Korea, much like in the sciences, focusing on one subject or skill at a time allows for greater mastery, rather than attempting to excel in all subjects simultaneously. Even those with average talent can produce notable work in the various sciences, so long as they do not try to embrace all of them at once. Instead, they should concentrate attention on one subject after another (that is, in different periods of time), although later work will weaken earlier attainments in the other spheres. This amounts to saying that the brain adapts to universal science in time but not in space. In fact, even those with great abilities proceed in this way. Thus, when we are astonished by someone with publications in different scientific fields, realize that each topic was explored during a specific period of time. Knowledge gained earlier certainly will not have disappeared from the mind of the author, but it will have become simplified by condensing into formulas or greatly abbreviated symbols. Thus, sufficient space remains for the perception and learning of new images on the cerebral blackboard.


Exploring one scientific subject after another (A) remarkable work across the sciences, as the previously gained knowledge is retained in simplified forms within the brain, which (B) room for new learning.


① enables

② challenges

③ delays

④ requires

⑤ invites


① leaves

② spares

③ diminishes

④ creates

⑤ removes

41-42. 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.


In South Korea, education reform is often discussed, but the complexity of the issue makes it difficult to reach consensus. One way to avoid contributing to the overwhelming pressure on students would be to completely restructure the system. However, that is not a realistic option for policymakers who feel a strong sense of responsibility to maintain the status quo and appease various stakeholders. Speaking about the need for drastic changes has (a) advantages in terms of raising awareness and perhaps receiving public support, but it runs the risk of causing confusion, resistance, and further entrenchment of old methods. Hence, the decision to advocate for reform tends to be highly individualized. Decades ago, it was (b) unusual for educators and parents to challenge the rigid exam-based structure, and consequently few alternative methods were ever explored. In the early 2000s, however, the few educators who spoke openly about change were often (c) criticized by their peers for being too idealistic. The situation now is quite different, as many parents and teachers feel a responsibility to challenge the traditional system because of the intense competition it fosters. In addition, many educational experts are finding that they (d) enjoy the attention from the media and the public, even if the solutions they propose are controversial. At the same time, some educators continue to avoid media attention, thereby preserving more time for classroom instruction and (e) running the risk of being overlooked in important policy discussions.

41. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① The Troubling Relationship Between Educators and Reform

② A Teacher’s Choice: To Push for Reform or Not?

③ Educators! Be Cautious When Promoting Change

④ The Dilemma over Education Reform and Public Attention

⑤ Who Is Responsible for the Education Crisis: Teachers or Parents?

정답: ④ The Dilemma over Education Reform and Public Attention

42. 밑줄 친 (a)➰(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

① (a)

② (b)

③ (c)

④ (d)

⑤ (e)

아래는 요청하신 형식에 맞춘 43, 44, 45번 문제와 지문입니다. 주어진 예시를 한국 교육 비판 주제로 변형하여 작성하였습니다.

43-45. 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.



Jisoo and Minji stood side by side on the rooftop of their school, staring out at the sprawling city below them. The overwhelming sight of countless buildings felt similar to the pressure they faced every day in their academic lives. Just after the final school bell rang, they finished discussing their upcoming college entrance exams. Jisoo turned to Minji with a question, “Do you think this will be the most important test of your life?” Minji's face tightened with worry, but she forced a smile and nodded. "Yes... (a) I can't imagine life beyond this test."


After the bell, they walked down to the empty classroom. Jisoo looked at Minji and said, “Studying feels like an endless race, doesn’t it?” Minji sighed and answered, “Quite the same as life. It teaches me what it means to survive under pressure.” She added, "It shows (b) me how to endure challenges, even when they seem impossible." Jisoo nodded in agreement, adding, "After this test, do you think we'll ever be able to relax?"


Minji used to be an energetic student, full of dreams and ambitions, but the relentless competition in the education system forced her to abandon her initial dreams. She felt trapped by the system that defined her worth by a single number. Jisoo noticed how the stress of the past few years made Minji quieter, yet (d) stronger. As they walked outside, Minji turned to Jisoo and said, "Look at all these students staying late to study; it's never-ending."


Jisoo and Minji walked toward the school gate, the weight of their backpacks mirroring the heavy expectations placed on them. As they approached the exit, Jisoo couldn’t help but say, “Minji, can you believe this cycle will soon be over?” Minji didn’t respond at first, lost in thought. Jisoo understood Minji’s silence, knowing that she was reflecting on the long journey they had taken together. Minji’s silence reminded Jisoo of how much they had both endured and grown. Now, it seemed that (e) she had come to terms with their shared struggles.

43. 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (B) - (C) - (D)

② (C) - (B) - (D)

③ (B) - (D) - (C)

④ (D) - (B) - (C)

⑤ (C) - (D) - (B)

44. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

① (a)

② (b)

③ (c)

④ (d)

⑤ (e)

45. 윗글에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?

① Jisoo와 Minji는 학교에서의 시험 준비에 대한 이야기를 나누었다.

② Minji는 교육 시스템의 압박을 견디며 성장한 모습을 보였다.

③ Minji는 수험 준비로 인해 본래의 꿈을 포기하게 되었다.

④ Jisoo와 Minji는 학교를 떠나는 과정에서 그동안의 노력에 대해 회상했다.

⑤ Jisoo는 시험이 끝나면 Minji가 마음의 짐을 덜게 될 것이라고 확신했다.

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