WoWS TAP Q&A V – Answered Questions
Posted by Sebastianul
Thanks to Reelyo for translating and for sending the questions! The next session will be organized soon.
These questions were asked by community some time ago. Recently I looked through them, chose some that are still actual and are conform to rules for questions to developers thread in Russian WoWS forum. Questions were answered by Sub_Octavian.
To other sites reposting this: please give credit to TAP.
1. Are there any plans on the Dutch navy? How does WG want to materialize the tiers of smaller navies such as the Dutch in general; limited amount of realized ships or including many concept ships to fill up the tiers?
1.네덜란드 트리 낼생 각 있냐?
Now we are still working with branches of major naval nations, and there is still no Royal Navy in the game. So we do not consider additional incomplete branches currently. Some ships might be introduced as premiums.
아직 메이저 트리도 덜 만들었는데 시기상조다.그래도 몇몇 국가의 배를 골쉽으로 낼 생각이 있다
2. Why is the Russian Navy implemented before the Royal Navy? Is it for economic reasons?
2.쉬벌 홍차 트리가 왜 소련보다 늦게 나오는 거냐?경제적인 이유냐?
(Reasons are) not exactly economical. Of course, players from RU region were waiting for Soviet Navy, but WoWS is being published in other regions as well, equally important. The idea was to add two warring nations and by various reasons USSR-Germany pair was chosen. No other “special” reasons. Royal Navy’s implementation is inevitable (Implementation of at least one branch of RN was promised for this year – cruisers).
딱히 특별한 이유는 없고 러시아 유저들이 소련 트리를 원하더라.여튼간에 영순양 올해 내주잖냐?
3. Can we expect to see more statistics options in game like in World of Tanks? (Like stats for individual ships and post game results of other players after a game).
3.월땅겜 처럼 세부 스펙(과거 겜성적표 등등) 나옴?
Yes. Progress on this topic will be in 0.5.10 already. Follow the news! (Patch notes for 0.5.10 were published)
ㅇㅇ0510에 예정
4. Will there be an option for players to display the Imperial Russian Navy flag in port and/or in the tech tree? Doesn’t make sense to have the Soviet flag in the background while the ship itself flies the IRN flag. The Storozhevoi for instance was a paper project and as such was never used by the Soviets.
러시아 제국해군 시절 깃발을 볼수 있을까?
스트로제보이는 소련시절 페이퍼쉽이 아닌데?
This option is not planned. I would describe it as “would be nice to have, but of low priority”
그거 아직 계획하지도 않음.존나 어썸해보이는데 나중에 생각해봄.
5. Are there plans to implement fighter strafing ability? (for attacking the ships, I presume)
기총소사(전투기의 대함공격)에 대한 계획있냐?
Yes, we would like to implement this feature. But we have many doubts about current CV gameplay. We would like to make it more player friendly and not so one-way win or lose. And not break overall class balance in the course (of changing CV gameplay). What exactly we are planning – can’t say for now.
ㅇㅇ 그걸 구현해보고 싶다. 근데 아직 홍어 플레이에 의문점이 많음.홍어 겜 플레이가 전체적인 밸런스를 깨지 않는 선에서 일방적으로 판이 깨지는 걸 막고 좀더 쉽게 만들고 싶다. 아직 현재 계획중인 건 말할 수 없다.
6. Are there chances for implementation of old fan kit’s ships (e.g. Akizuki)?
6.아키즈키같은 일러만 있는거 그것도 언젠간 나올 기회는 있냐?
Chances are always there. Even for Kitakami. At least theoretically :)
기회는 언제나 있음. 이론적으로 키타카미도 가능해 :)
7. What are the changes in statistics of high level U.S. CVs after 0.5.3?
7.고티어 미홍어 053비교해서 뭐가 바뀌었냐?
We do not disclose server statistics without serious cause. Discussion of American CVs is very complicated because of the great influence of chosen flight control scheme.
존나 심각한거 아니면 서버 통계로 이야기 안함.미홍어는 편제(아마도)에 따라서 영향력이 겁나 큼.
8. Would you consider bringing back the space battle occasionally like you did before in beta? That was great fun.
8.베타시절 만우절에 한 우주전 다시 꺼낼 생각 있냐?재밌었는데
Yes, we thought about it. But if we would do something for fun we would like to make something different.
ㅇㅇ우리도 생각하고 있었음.근데 그거말고 딴것도 만들어 볼래.
9. Is there any possibility of new paint schemes or camouflage patterns? It would be cool if you could paint different sections separately. Example: top of the turrets.
9.새로운 위장 낼 생각 있음? 부분적인 위장 (포탑 위 방공식별 같은거 같다) 같은거 내면 어ㅡ썸할 것 같은데?
Working plans – add more permanent camouflage patterns. In perspective we want to introduce decals: identifying insignia, side numbers, smokestacks’ rings, etc. But nothing specific yet.
위장 추가는 작업중인 계획임 예를 들어 배넘버나 피아식별 등등. 더이상 공개는 못함.
10. Any thoughts on decals or names on ships?
10.데칼이나 배 이름 낼거지?
Same as 9th.
11. I had plenty of tier8 + matches recently where both sides had like 6 DDs. Don’t you think that’s to much? Have you any thoughts on that?
11.최근 8티어 타는데 한팀에 6구축 매칭 걸렸음.이거 너무한거 아니냐? 이거 어떻게 생각하냐?
We think that the best ratio is about 3-4 DDs, five as the maximum. Six is definitely over the top. We continue to work on the balance, to achieve proportional class presence in battles and make all classes appealing for different players.
우리가 이상적인 구축 매칭을 3ㅡ4대, 최대 5대라고 생각함.6대는 좀 많네?ㅎㅎ 계속해서 고칠게ㅎㅎ
12. A CV subclass is mentioned to come which includes refitted BB’s but also mentioned some interesting ships too: cruiser-carrier Tone and a maybe battleship Ise too in the CV subclass. My question is if this happens are the Tone and Ise will be an unique ships gameplay wise? So basically a crusier/battleship what can launch for example a squadron of torpedo bombers?
12.항공전함,항공순양함의 시대는 언제오냐? 수상기는 어떤 걸로 낼거야?
This question is not currently at work, because of other more urgent matters.
아직 그 질문에 대답하긴 곤란하다.딴게 더 바쁨.
13. Did any recent game mechanic changes affected negatively the Warspite? Or do you changed its armor effectiveness? Some players feels it is less tanky than before. And how is it performing stat-wise?
13.최근에 워스파이트 장갑이나 겜메카닉 바꾼거 있음?몇몇 유저들이 전보다 덜 단단하다고 하던데?
No and no. Warspite is one of the ambiguous ships in the game. She is behaving fine statistic-wise, but some players feel very uncomfortable about her. We are watching this issue closely and made some minor improvements lately. We want to enhance comfort (of her owners) while not making the ship imbalanced, or lose her “individuality”.
장갑구조나 메카닉 건든거 없다. 워스파이트는 애매한 배중 하나임. 통계 측면에서 별탈없긴한데 그래도 똥배라고 하는 놈들이 있음.그래서 최근에 선체 좀 내렸음.우리는 배의 개성을 잃지 않으면서 좀더 편안해 하였음 한다.
14. What is the fate of Buffalo and Worcester cruisers?
14.버팔로 우스터 언제?
All I can say is that these ships sooner or later will make it to the game. We have such plans but nothing specific for the moment.
우스터 버팔로 언제간 나온다 이건 말해줄 수 있음.아직 자세한건 나중에
15. After the change to Expert Marksmen, are there any plans to undo the nerf to Mogami’s 155mm turret rotation and survivability? (it used to be 40 seconds traverse). 51.4 seconds is a bit too slow for a stock grind considering the range is only 13 km stock.
15.모가지155밀 너프 해놓은거 취소 해줄 수 있나?
We would think about it but as the result of changes to Mogami, from imbalanced it evolved to normal, in balance. We do not want to compensate anything. As for choice between 155 and 203 mm – this is probably a false conception (e.g. game design decision).
모가지 너프 이후 정상됨. 6인치나 8인치나 그냥 썼으면 좋겠다.
16. According to this response: “The experience was positive, but we’d do it if Turkish, Dutch or Spanish players played more actively. Polish players play quite a lot, so we released Blyskawica. The same applies to the Pan-Asian ships.” . Following that way, can we expect to see some ships introduced from South America navies, like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, etc in the game, if the statistics show much activity from the playerbase of that region?
폴란드, 판아시아트리 따로 그쪽 사람들 많다고 따로 냈잖아 그럼 남미나 네덜란드 스페인 애들 많이 하면 그 국가 트리도 볼수 있냐?
Yes, definitely.
17. Would you consider adding Hamburg as a harbor to WoWs?
워쉽에서 함부르크 항구를 보는 날이 올까?
That is not a question, but a direct suggestion :). We do not have such plans.
아직 계획 없다
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