디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

외국겜 중인데..

ㅊㅊㅊ(42.82) 2015.10.12 21:05:46
조회 576 추천 0 댓글 0

족장이 장문으로. 내게 보냈는데.

이게 무슨말이여 ㅠㅠ??

This circular is being sent to all members so that each of you has the opportunity to hear my thoughts on this given the attacks we have endured the past few days. Those who are guilty of the infringements will know immediately. Those who are not will appreciate something having been said. Hopefully with a weekend over, they should lessen and give us a chance to rebuild.

I know this is a long e-mail, but it is an important one. I certainly hope each of you will take the time to read it.

Dalmalo recently nobled the village of his attacker, giving him three villages. What makes this accomplishment even more outstanding is that he is about as far from the tribe as can be, and yet he is actively growing. THIS is exactly what happens when EVERYBODY works together! When you are part of a group, a team, there simply is no room for an "I". When you are called to support one another, you do it regardless of how far away you are from your teammate. "I" only gets everybody nobled, whereas "we" helps everybody survive.

I spent a long time online with The only TerrorX last night talking to him, making sure he was getting support, asking NAPs and allies to support him, and giving him some suggestions for preventing his village from being nobled. It was hours past my bedtime, and yet HIS VILLAGE was important to me. It was not MY village, but a TEAM village that would have been lost if I had ignored his needs. And those efforts paid off.

Yes, this is only a game, but winning and surviving in this game means you need to be able to rely upon others. We all have work or school to tend to, as do I, but leaving a teammate out to dry in lieu of spending maybe 30 minutes extra to help him out is not an option. Furthermore, dropping your account sit on everybody else because you cannot be bothered to tend your attacks, etc., is not an option and will not continue. We cannot survive if every account has been sat and nobody can support anybody else. As of now, unless you are dying, in the hospital, away on a mandatory work trip, or some other real life issue that is critical, there will be no account sitting. The last minute drops are going to stop. If you "drop" your account on somebody without their approval, the account will sit unattended. When you return, you may or may not have a village.

There are several inexperienced, new players in this tribe, and the first rule of TW is that you have to be active! When you log on, you don't log on with the attitude of "What am I going to do today...what do I need to build." You log on with the attitude of, "I wonder who in my group needs what today."

When you log on, the first thing you need to do is determine what your group leader needs you to do. What e-mails has he sent you, what postings has he put in your forum. Once you have addressed those, then you can go on to YOUR needs. Your group, your teammates, are your lifeline to surviving on TW. If you cannot commit YOUR time and YOUR effort to helping out your team, then you might want to reconsider playing tribal wars.

We currently have far too many individuals who log on long enough to request support, but do nothing to give it. There are far too many individuals who refuse to be active in the forums, refuse to participate in PP competitions aimed at improving your TW skills, and who refuse to do anything above and beyond what little they need to do to play THEIR game with no consideration for those who have been there to HELP THEM play THEIR game. This needs to stop, and it needs to stop immediately.

If you do not want to work with others as a team and do not feel that it is your responsibility to do everything within your power to help out YOUR teammates, you will be dismissed and nobled. If you should doubt that statement, have a conversation with 


Thank you to all of you who have committed your time and effort to helping your teammates survive!

추천 비추천


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